
wingsuit training apparatus

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Has anyone tried to build a training harness for wingsuit flight? Something similar to static line training or more specifically like style training. I'm thinking of a single web belt or double strapped sling to lay prone in, in front of a large fan. The simulation for exit and deployment stability might be a useful experience. Video of a static position also seems like could be a helpful tool.

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The floor is a perfect training aid, especially when suited up, since it provides a relative reference and physical feedback to the de-arch on your hips, the roll of your shoulders, arms and hands, and the pointing of the toes (or rolling outward of the heels on a Classic). It's also easier to practice doing the heel-clicks wave-off whilst prone as it is symmetrical compared with the off-balance, one legged, standing up equivalent.
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Something point out to me by Fordy, since the leg wing on the Classic is the shortest in the range, better tension can be achieved by turning the heels out and the feet in, than by pointing the toes. Of course pointing the toes is important, for straight legs, dearch and longitudinal tension, but just doing that on a Classic can lead to narrow legs. Toes in/Heels out may be an exageration, but you are no doubt aware of the difference between what people are doing with their body in the air and what they are actually doing, so a little exageration on the ground is more likely to reap a more correct stance in flight?
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Thanks for the description. I was watching video footage of one of my flights, and noticed a slight "flicker" from the trailing edge of the leg wing every now and then. I could see no cause for it in my body position. What you say about the toes in makes perfect sense. Thanks!

It's the year of the Pig.

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Nope but if you wacky guys cook up something that has anything to do with being mounted on top of a fast moving vehicle in my wingsuit sign me up.

It will be kinda like K-2's Glenn plak without the rainbow mohawk.

PS: If yer hell bent on the mohawk there always crazy glue. Hell I'm a freeflyer anyways!

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