
Can I fit a "C-16" harness?

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my rig is a B15 measure. you are more than welcome to try it on this weekend to see how that size fits. I had a C16 or 17 (can't remember) that i had as a first rig as well, bought it used. It fit fine. It was probably a little long, but still a great improvement from rental gear.


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I'm 5'4" and jump a J1 with a C-18 harness. Do able - yes. Though in all honesty, I wish I had held out for a B-15 or B-16. It is just too big. The rig slides around a bit, which was especially a pain in the ass when I was first learning to sit (to have to compensate for the ever shifting rig). I have to have the chest strap done up real tight. It's served me well, but I can't wait to get my custom fit Wings in 2 weeks. :)

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my rig is a B15 measure

Is that the rig with the Jedei in it? B|

Strangely enough, my J1 is a B15. It's snug, and there is no way I could jump it with winter clothes on, but hmmmm, Florida, B15, Jedei.....Hmmmm.

Anyway, If I could find a decent C yolked rig in as good of shape as my J1 (and the same size container, no bigger) I'd consider selling and/or trading the Javelin. Recently updated with all mods and metal cutaway housings.

Oh, it's got pink on it too.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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