
High Altitude Wingsuit Load(s) at Z-Hills

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Chris and I will be organizing as many BirdPeople as possible for 22K load(s) first thing in the morning on Feb 8th. The cost is 2 jump tickets ... all the oxygen you can breath. Post here if you're interested in coming. Here's your chance for that l..o..n..g freefall you've been dreaming about! You can pre-manifest with TK at tk@skydivecity.com

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Hi there,
myself and 15 other Scots are heading over to Z hills for some fun on the 30th of Jan for 2 weeks B|, we had heard there may be some high alti w/s stuff happening, there will be about 4 of us on wing suits. I have done 1 w/s jump but will be doing many many more when i am there, other guys are more experienced and will also be wanting to do the high alti stuff.

blue ones


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Not sure if I can stay that late (or make it Saturday), work's been really busy. If I'm there, and we stay late, we are talking a night flock, right?:o

Give me your number at the Chicks Rock Boogie and I'll let you know when I know.B|
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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For safety sake I'd keep the night dive pretty small .. 2 or 3 brave souls with glo-sticks in each hand.

No bail-out bottles are needed for the high altitude loads the next morning. Pre-breathing from 8K up and a quick exit is all it takes.

Except for the Scots (who'll already be there) please pre-manifest with TK if you plan to show.

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during a quiet moment at work i started crunching some numbers re the distance and time aspect for the hi level jump

assumption is that air at 16k is ok for normal breathing, exit is 22k, open @ 3k, average speed 50mph

22k to 16k = 1.14 miles @ 50mph takes 1.36 mins (82 secs) time of falling in poor O2

Total dive time from 22k to 3k @ 50mph = 4.3 mins (260 secs) bloody hell

I think these numbers are optimistic given muscle fatigue etc... even at 80mph average the dive time would be 162 secs nearly 3 mins.


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I think these numbers are optimistic given muscle fatigue

They are actually pretty realistic . It is all dependant on the pilot though and how they fly. At WFFC I and 2 others got out at 23.5. 1 st guy out fell like a rock but the 2nd guy and myself flew together for a little bit and then he fell out due to fatigue. My overall flight time off of video time code was over 4 mins so it is doable.


and HERE
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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I think these numbers are optimistic given muscle fatigue



They are actually pretty realistic . It is all dependant on the pilot though and how they fly. At WFFC I and 2 others got out at 23.5. 1 st guy out fell like a rock but the 2nd guy and myself flew together for a little bit and then he fell out due to fatigue. My overall flight time off of video time code was over 4 mins so it is doable.

Yea they are realistic...(for a trained killer like Scott and others... but for an outa shape middle (old) aged guy like me... plan on this...

Take off the O2 mask, finish your cigerette...(gonna be a long time til the next...)

Exit the airplane... fly like a real M...er fu..er... your atli 3 will start turning again at about 17,000...

You won't believe it anyway... been about a minute already... see the others open at 3-4000' agl... keep your eyes on them... by now (if you're a girly guy like me (that's why Scott pays so much attention!)) it's now time for a rest.... close your wings and let the 140-160 mph wind beat your body for another 30 seconds... catch your breath (wish I could make my zippo work, I need another smoke...)

Start flying again... you now see the tandem open...

Great, use them for altitude reference... fly another minute or two and notice the tandem is now landing.... check altitude... approaching 7000' (or is that my watch? (7:00 pm, I thought the sun set at 5:30?) the tandem lands... and Mike is taking off with another load... wait... i'm still flying... time to pull? alti says 4000'... let's hum it and see what the protrack will say...

throw at about 2500'.... land...

fun... gotta do it...

the borrowed protrack said something like 57 seconds from 23,800agl... the lender asked if i made 3 jumps with it... He downloaded and found two others... one was 119 seconds...(L&B... fix that!) then one with about 30 seconds... then the last with 57 or whatever...

It's fun, but enjoy as much O2 as you can, tell the a/c operator your birdmanning and see if you can pre-breath a bit longer than the others...

Take it from me... I'm a smoker, so you know i don't require much oxygen...


Go for it...

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well the scots are here and we are lined up for the high alti stuff on Sun AM. I did my 5th birdman and 1st in the states yesterday following a long chat with Asaf and it worked a treat, deployment was perfect... Asaf if you post here cheers for your help mate!!! great flight, nice views etc...

nice place this Z-hills, can anyone employ a mechanical engineer with oil industry experience so i don't have to go home....... EVER???!!!!


If it's safe it ain't fun

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no one ended up doing a birdman no the high alti stuff... i did free fly instead... must have been something to do with it being 32degF on the ground at 8:30am.... maybe that's why the plane was mostly full of scots....

crap being home...:( weather is crap... cloud is crap... temperature is crap...

If it's safe it ain't fun

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It was -20F and 60 knots at altitude .... low 30's and 20+ mph on the ground. If I was there on vacation with a limited time to jump I might have gone too. But, since I wasn't I tried to stay warm on the ground .... "It's better to be down here, wishing you were up there, than up there, wishing you were down here". B-R-R-R-R

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that'll be why the spot was a tad off then.

didn't feel that cold.... we do the same back here but out of a cessna with no door!!!!

hoping to try and get back to z-hills in october, work prevents an earlier visit unfortunately

If it's safe it ain't fun

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