
Aircraft Emergency with BM Suit [Hypothetical]

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This week on one of the loads, on the way up the clouds came in and the pilot decided to make the drop at 6000 ft.

So that led me to thinking, what is one (Wing Suit jumper) supposed to do in case of a low alti exit or an aircraft Emergency?

Do you zip up all the wings, do a normal exit and go for the standard pull procedure OR Do you leave all the Arm/Leg wings unzipped and do a normal Hop & Pop?

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Well I personally had a load that was suppose to go to 10000 AGL but turned into a 3500 AGL hop-n-po with my birdman suit. I did a dive out exit fully zip in and track for a few seconds before pulling. In a similar situtuation Manbird went out with wings unzipped, he ended with the bridle wrapped around a wing and a reserve ride.
I do not know about anyone else but I personally will not get out below 3000 AGL with a wingsuit and I will ALWAY LEAVE ZIP UP.
Play carefully

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If its just a low exit I fly the suit away from jump run and pull after a few seconds, whatever is the right delay for the altitude.
If its an aircraft emergency I fly the heck away from the aircraft and deploy. The aircraft is having the emergency not you, stay calm and focus on your flight.
If there just isn't enough altitude for flight then deploy stable, wings collapsed. With either main or reserve again depending on altitude. Maintaining stability with your wings collapsed for a prolonged amount of time ( compared to just the time it takes to wave off and pull) is a valuable skill in a wingsuit, you never know when you will have to "Drop out" of a tight formation or zoo thats getting hairy. Or if you need a delay after you spot someone zooming into your burble just before you deploy.
Fly your body don't let the suit fly you!

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If my legs are already zipped in and we are low, then I will zip my arms down, exit, and fly away from the airplane. If we are LOW and I am unzipped, then I will bail out, unzipped, on my reserve. If my legs are not zipped in, then they are always snapped in the "up" position, so the leg wing would not be an issue. In the plane my arms are generally zipped down to my elbows. This will keep most of my wing from flying back and potentially snagging my reserve bridle on its way out.


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Yo !

If i had time to zip up, i would - at any altitude. If an emergency happened fast and i had to bail as is (unzipped) - i would try to partially zip my arms to the elbows and probably keep my arms close to the body. I wouldn't worry about the leg wing - it's usually tucked under a leg strap or snapped in out of the way. Another midway solution if there's a few seconds is to zip up quickly skipping the time-consuming booties, it will fly fine and stable without them.

My altitude comfort zone goes down to about 300 ft so i really shouldn't share an opinion in this area ;-) A couple of things to consider, though - if you are zipped up and an airplane is still flying level and you do a good exit, you shouldn't loose any altitude in the first few seconds. Your opening will start semi-horizontal - for a reserve, it cuts the opening height almost in half.



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