
Jump run vs freefall computers

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Who uses Paralog with their Neptunes out there or JumpTrack with their ProTrack? Something I've noticed by using these applications that these devices is that they can accidentally record jump run on a wingsuit/slow setting.

Hanging on the strut or bar, hanging out by the door, or being in ACs that are windy with the door open can start the timer (I've seen it quite a bit). The ProTrack seems to be less sensitive than the Neptune when it comes to jump run. The ProTrack seems to be less prone to this. We can temporarily nail some REALLY slow speeds, which usually shuts the ProTrack off (even on the SLO setting). I think that because the Neptune is really flexible in addressing these super-slow fall rates, it can misinterpret the wind from jump run as the beginning of freefall.

I did a GTi jump with someone before where they had a Neptune and I had a ProTrack. We exited and opened at the same time and altitude (maybe 2s apart or so on deployment). I'd recorded 110s and they record 148s. After using Paralog, they found out that the jump run was recorded as part of the freefall (the altitude did not change for 36s). What's odd is that it still registered very wingsuit-like speeds.

If you "started getting better freefall times with the Neptune". For either of these devices, I recommend using the accompanying software. Then again, good old video is ultimate time tracking device. :)
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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