
Wingsuit-related injury

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I feel it's important to get this warning out to prevent the same injury I suffered on Saturday. When jumping up and down in an attempt to ground launch your wingsuit in the prop blast of the Otter before boarding, remove your helmet from your chest strap. The right side of my chin is slightly larger than the left. I wouldn't want any of you to suffer the same fate.

Had a great weekend. Been trying to get Joe Weber, the DZO, in a wingsuit for quite some time. If you've ever seen "Lost in La Mancha", well -- that was about the same experience I had trying to get him in the air. He got up on first flight on Saturday morning, and ended the weekend with fourteen wingsuit jumps. Good times all around. ALL!
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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