
Flatspins: When and How?

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For those of you who have had flatspins, at what part of the skydive or BASE jump did it (or they) happen? Check all that apply. Post other details if you've got 'em. My goal here is to identify when a flatspin is most likely to occur. I've only had one flatspin, and that was on a looking-down-at-the-rest-of-group exit.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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When someone first described the phenomena, I decided to look into it some. After trying for a couple of jumps I figured out how to do it by cupping as much air as possible and droping a knee. Hard to get into, found it easy to get out of.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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After over 100 uneventful flights, I did it for the first time 10 days ago, and scared the bejesus out of myself. It occurred as I initiated a barrel roll. I curled up in a ball, then flattened out, only to find myself still spinning. I curled into a ball a second time, waited a little longer, then fattened out and recovered. I was dizzy as hell for the rest of the flight, and dizzy as hell for the entire canopy ride.

ProTrack data indicates I lost about 1300 feet from initiation to recovery, hit 148 m/h vertical at the peak, then took another 1300 feet to get back down to normal descent rate.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I tried flat spin 4 times all after over rotating a front loop. the first 3 times was in classic and the last one was in my GTI.
I don`t do aerobatic in my SF3 because the last one was a bit scary. I think i lost 4000 ft getting out of it.
I also always teach on first flight course to cut your wings and deploy normal if you are spinning un controllably below 6000 ft. when it spins for real you just don`t know what is up and down at all.

For you out there who haven´t tried it DON`T FIGHT IT just close all wings and wait until its stabile
Bo Wienberg


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I had one past Saturday dropping off my rodeo passenger. The plan was:

6000 ft - I initiate a barrel roll – The passenger lets me go – I fly away and pull by 4500 ft.

We had a good exit, nice flight. The passenger had a pretty strong grip all the way to break-off altitude. As I flipped on my back I could still feel him holding on for a brief moment. The instant he let go I tried to roll back on my belly and there IT was!

First reaction was to force things back belly-to earth. Ha-ha-ha!!! It just got worse (3000 rpm at least J). Next thought – screw it – slow is fast – I’ve got altitude. I went limp, extended my arms in front of my chest. In 3 seconds or about 4 revolutions the spin stopped, I rolled back tracked away, pulled at 4500 and saw my friend at the same altitude. Fun stuff. I have to tell it was my first one …….. I know…
Suit – SF3

A question to experienced birds: What’s the proper way to get rid of a passenger in flight?

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A question to experienced birds: What’s the proper way to get rid of a passenger in flight?

Let the rider roll off of you. It's by far the easiest way and all you will feel is the instant lift when the rider clears.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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When someone first described the phenomena, I decided to look into it some. After trying for a couple of jumps I figured out how to do it by cupping as much air as possible and droping a knee. Hard to get into, found it easy to get out of.

Are you talking about on your belly or on your back?

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I doubt the "natural occuring" thing. On my back I think it would be quite hard to get into. Simply relaxing the limbs would stop the spin.

I had always interpreted it as being a "belly" thing.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I doubt the "natural occuring" thing. On my back I think it would be quite hard to get into. Simply relaxing the limbs would stop the spin.

I had always interpreted it as being a "belly" thing.

Actually no, I have found it easy in my gti to get into a flat spin and hard to get out of it. I believe SM1 confirmed this when I was putting together the malfunctions section on FBM

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Flat spins can occur in a myrid of ways, all of them the result of a instability issue. Be it on ones belly, back or from incidental contact with the A/C on exit and or other Birds in the air. I watched the base Bird self induce a flat spin the day before yesterday mid way through a flight as others were diving on him. Once your tail wing starts to wobble and you throw in a rolling movement either to one of the sides or fore/aft then a spin will ensue. Intentional flat spins/turns can be done while in flight by flexing ones torso from the waist in the direction one wants to go. The effect as seen from above looks like a bird flying straight and then a flat 360 occurs and the bird continues to fly in the original direction of flight. Doing this has the potential to get very ugly very quickly but when done correctly, it looks very cool.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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A question to experienced birds: What’s the proper way to get rid of a passenger in flight?

What I've always done is shake my head "no" when I want the rider to leave. I then bring in my wings to get closer to what the rider's fall rate will be when they leave. Then they push/roll/backflip off without issue, and I go back into flight. If they want to leave earlier, they shake my rig by the yoke.

I got to be the rider for once this last weekend. It was really damn fun! I was amazed at how easy it was to control the pilot like a machine. BirdMan Pantz definitely helped with that. Felt like playing a video game.


I thought the phenomonom of a "naturally occuring" flat spin only occured on one's back.

I don't know if a flat spin has to start on your back, but that is generally where it ends up.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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Same scenario for me. First attempt at barrel rolls. Did one, didn't do the second successfully and went into flat spins. Thought that I balled up but realized I left my legs extended when the spins increased in speed. Balled up again with full leg retraction, regained vertical speed and opened symetrically. Lost over 2500 feet in the whole ordeal. Scared the shit out of me too!:ph34r:

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Well, I can't add to my score now, but I didn have my second flatspin this last weekend. Got rolled over another jumper's back. SUper fast recovery. Wasn't that big a deal, though I did have my BASE PC puch goin', and was really hoping it wouldn't extracting whilst on my back.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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when I exited the Hercules the third time.. I thought I made a good exit but then.. KABLOEY I was spinning faster than I thought was possible. First I tried to fight it but that was no good. Then I just relaxed put my legs together and arched my way out of it.. it was intresting :S

But never the less I got back to the flock in good time before the brake off.


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