Differences between wing suits??

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Im am writing because i am currently in the market for a new wing suit. i would like some opinions on the differences, advantages, disadvantages between the matter II and the Skyflyer III. i will be using the suit out of some planes but primaraly for base. my experiance now is about 30 flights on a GTI and about 50 on a Skyflyer. i am also looking at the phoneix fly suit, is it like the S-4, like the white onew that was at bridgeday last year? well any info you can give me would be great and also i cant get onto the matter wep site so could someone tell me the price of the Matter II. it would be appreciated.
well thaks in advance for the info.
Skydiving is borring!!

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I think you will get much better answers from the people on the base forum. I know something about wingsuits, own an S3 and the matter2. Yet without knowing anything about your flying style and much more importantly anything firsthand about base and how the right suit for the right exit and the right flyer I cannot give you any usefull info and may in fact give bad, bad info. Good luck and fly safe.

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skymonkey1 or me

HAHAHAHAA!!! So personal attacks against Scott are OK? How come I didn't get mentioned? I make uninformed posts all the time! I guess I'm not popular. And I agree that attacking Mr. Blue is a major no-no. How on Earth could anyone not like Chuck? It baffles the mind.
"¯"`-._.-¯) ManBird (¯-._.-´"¯"


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skymonkey1 or me

HAHAHAHAA!!! So personal attacks against Scott are OK? How come I didn't get mentioned? I make uninformed posts all the time! I guess I'm not popular. And I agree that attacking Mr. Blue is a major no-no. How on Earth could anyone not like Chuck? It baffles the mind.

Well....it is Scott we're talking about here.:P

As for Chucky, I can't fathom why anyone couldn't like him either. He's a straightforward, no BS kind of guy who doesn't hold anything back though. If you're an easy cryer, you may not wanna hang with the head monkey.;) Actually, if someone is that sensitive, then they're in the wrong sport period.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Yeh, Chuck and Scott must not know anything about WS flight for Jari to make them BMCI's. Hell, for that matter, what does Jari know about wingsuits? He's just using his position as president of a popular wingsuit company to make himself look like an authority on the matter. I'll bet he doesn't even jump. ;)

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I've no experience with the MTR2, but I do have several BASE flights on the SF3, as well as having done a pretty thorough going over on a SF4 prototype.

For what it's worth, I'd definitely get the Phoenix Fly suit. If you're primarily doing BASE with it, it's going to serve you well. I'd rate it well above the SF3 for BASE.

The MTR2 might have some advantages in the "get moving early" category, because of the larger wings (i.e. lower wingloading). For long flights, I'd prefer the PF, but if you're doing really edgy stuff (i.e. 4-5 second rock drops and such), you might want to have a good look at the MTR2.

At any rate, my two cents: go with PF, or failing that MTR2.
-- Tom Aiello


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I'm sure this will get deleted by the forum nazi in about two seconds anyway.... shit, I can't belive it's had to come to this

Nah, the forum nazi is headed to The Ranch... keep it up, this is truly entertaining!:P

LeRoy - how many times must I tell you... stop trying so hard! The big boys can fight their own battles so just stick to what you know - car detailing!:P

Ok, kids - on with the personal attacks! Nice pic Coop!B|

Get your PMS glass necklace here

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dude neil is that really you?? i didnt know they had the internet where you were at any way if it is you sweet good to hear from you. and on the subject as tom put it i will post some info some people privatly sent to me in hopes that it will help them

I'm sending you a private message as people tend to freak out when you compare one suit to another publicly.

If you can wait 'til mid-fall, I highly recommend the Phoenix Fly suit. For both skydiving and BASE, it SMOKES everything else. It is not the S4 you saw, but the S4 was a step in its progress. There have been two major revisions/prototypes since (one was finished/tested last week with reportedly awesome results). It starts flying faster than anything else. It's more stable and easier on your muscles (3D construction/closed wing makes air resistance a non-issue). It's faster forwards than anything, by far. The glide is around 3:1!

If you CAN'T wait, here's the S3 vs MTR2 comapred to what you jump now.

The MTR2 is easy to fly, starts flying pretty quickly, and can give you a decent fall rate. But it doesn't glide for shit (less than 2:1 by even the best pilots). The S3 has a higher stall speed, but you can attain significantly faster forward speeds and same or similar fall rates as the MTR2, and therefore a better glide (usually 2.2:1 - 2.5:1). For a very practical comparison -- experienced MTR2 pilots were flipping out when they were breaking 3 miles on skydives, whereas as myself and my buddies consistently break 4 miles, and sometimes 5, in the same flight pattern, on our S3s. What this means for BASE is that you'll get a better flight from the MTR2 on lower objects (1,000' - 1,500'), but the S3 will give you better flights from anything above that.

The S3 is a more demanding suit than the MTR2, but if you get it dialed in, you'll get better results. Whereas the MTR2 will give you decent results right away, but has so little learning curve, that you don't get much improvement over time. Compared to the original Skyflyer, the MTR2 has about the same forward speed, and better fall rate. The S3 has slightly better fall rate than the S1, but WAY faster forward speed. Both suits are more stable than the S1.

It comes down to this. If you want to "float" (low velocity and low glide ratio), get the MTR2. If you want to "fly" (high velocity and high glide ratio), get the S3. I prefer the S3, myself.

So, in my usual verbose fashion, there it is.

Have fun!

that was sent to me so i hope you quys get some good info out of it.
and tom i am going to be getting a phoenix fly
and neil you know i cant spell
Skydiving is borring!!

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