
Post your personal best here!

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Huh? Bobby Pritchard, when he regularly jumped wingsuits at Raeford, was 18 years old, about five eight and 140 pounds. He flies helicopters in the army now and is deployed overseas. He regularly jumped a protrac and downloaded all the stuff with jumptrack software; at least I think that's what it's called. I don't use the product. Regardless, Bobby jumped an original classic and ruled the sky.

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118 seconds is my best so far
12000 ft > 3000 ft with a 54 mph avg. (TAS)

Flying at about 60 mph in the beginning, and slowly bringing it down to about 48 mph (keeping that speed from about 5000 ft to 3000 ft)
Still learning, but it's getting better...me happy :)

It isn't untill recently that time and speeds started 'coming down' when I finaly started to focus more on speed and distance instead of just trying to cup air like a balloon and trying to fall slow (like everyone in here told me from the start...but I think everyone just wants to try and get slow numbers in the beginning and doing it the wrong way)
I'm an Athlete?

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I think everyone just wants to try and get slow numbers in the beginning and doing it the wrong way)

That is correct alteast in my case. Time is easiest thing to track. With no one to teach me, I was flying this way for over a 100 jumps. Flying is more fun than stalling.


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If you go to 15K, dump at 3K and average ~52mph for the extra 1500' you can do 3 mins.


...Much later.....
You were quite right. Exit 15k, +/- a bit...
Under clean canopy by 2200....
Avg 49 mph, 46 for chunks of it, never above 51 mph average.
New best time-3:13.25.
Holy shit that was cool.
Yeah I got video.
Now I got to learn to fly decently with others.
'nuff said.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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118 seconds is my best so far 12000 ft > 3000 ft

I saw this older post of mine
Just thought it was cool...learnt to fly a bit better since januari :)

12000 ft > 3000 ft takes me up to 2:10 now B|

Funny how I was soo frustrated in the beginning, trying to fall slow (and using my wingsuit almost as a round parachute...just trying to cup air like a madman)..and after flying with others much, much more..times started coming down in small baby-steps...almost automatic....

And even though everyone here already sayd that a bazillion times...I think everyone probably starts out stuborn...and just focussus on going slooooww in the beginning:)
I'm still quite a long way from those 3 minute dives all the hot guys are talking about...but I'll just jump more and eat less...Ill get there somehow :P
I'm an Athlete?

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Funny how I was soo frustrated in the beginning, trying to fall slow (and using my wingsuit almost as a round parachute...just trying to cup air like a madman)..

That is exactly what I did for about 50 jumps, I then did a couple of jumps where I was chasing the plane or flying along big clouds, trying to go as fast as I could. The numbers suddenly started looking better- I was going faster forward and falling slower.


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Last Saturday did 97 seconds avg 79MPH in a PF track suit, that was logged by Protrac.
Also 5th of May logged a 48 second flight at 42MPH avg from 4800' helo exit on the V1, also logged by protrac....am currently working on understanding and implementing GPS into my flights. Will post results from there ASAP.
O PS: I'm a fat american at 235 exit weight and 6'3" tall....:S

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I feel I should be able to reach 2 minutes with my classic II from 12k, but I'm still 10 seconds short (and have been on several jumps). So my stats:

Suit: Classic II
Alti: 12k - 3k
Time: 110 secs
Avg speed: 54 mph (as reported by ProTrack)
Weight: 83kg; 180 pounds (with no gear)
Height: 183 cm; 6'

have about 50 birdman jumps on the suit now.

Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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Sounds like you are all only working one end of the scale:

The other end is best average 212mph

Best Max 253mph

Average from 2 Pro-Tracks in my S3

I can average 41mph when I need to but it feels too much like being stuck in rush hour traffic..............


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Sounds like you are all only working one end of the scale:

The other end is best average 212mph

Best Max 253mph

Average from 2 Pro-Tracks in my S3

I can average 41mph when I need to but it feels too much like being stuck in rush hour traffic..............


Do you mean in a dive or are you quoting forward speed numbers(unlikely)?


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not my personal best, but I had a 116 sec flight from 13500 and deploying at 3900 according to my neptune. Overall avge was 55mph.

funny thing I that I was able to get in the low 50's in my original classic.

Diff is that I cover ALOT more ground under the SF3 and takes ALOT less effort.

The more I jump BM in general, the more I realize you just need to relax.

relaxing allows you to feel more than you do when you think you are maxing it out, when you really are not.

bla bla bla... sorry to banter on, just my 2 pennies worth... back to your regularly scheduled posting...

chirp (honk) if ya love wingsuits!

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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funny thing I that I was able to get in the low 50's in my original classic.

Man, I must really suck at this. I've got about 40 jumps on my classic 2 and I've never gotten my protrack to say anything under 70mph avg. I guess it's no surprise since I'm trying to learn how to do it on the internet. There aren't any BMIs around here and there aren't even any other wingsuits at my DZ. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but it will be tough to figure out what it is. Oh well, who cares as long as I'm having fun right?

I'm 5'11" and 210 with gear. Should I be able to do better than that or is this about right for my size and experience with a classic 2?

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best thing for me was to do nonstop BM until you get tired.

its like martial arts, for me anyway, I learned the finese side alot easier when tired.

For example I did 5 BM jumps in a row and was near MF. The 6th flight I went out and didnt want a hard pull so I just relaxed and chilled the whole flight and got a signifigantly better time.

This was all on my own mind you, it would probally be better to do it with someone better than you to help you push yourself more.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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