
Ghostrider Video?

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I didn't seem to see anyone post about the ghostrider video which is found on birdman's website. God that is friggin hillarious! I know that the people who did that made an earlier skydiving short film didn't they? Some pretty good stuff.. probably took a long time to put together

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I didn't seem to see anyone post about the ghostrider video which is found on birdman's website. God that is friggin hillarious!

Glad you liked it :)


I know that the people who did that made an earlier skydiving short film didn't they?

I made this and a ton of other stuff together with a good friend of mine. We do a lot of this stuff for fun.
We made an earlyer matrix inspired skydiving-short (although not that much jumping in there sadly) as a club-boogie intro.
It can be found at www.skydivingmovies.com somewhere (search for matrixB|B|)


Some pretty good stuff.. probably took a long time to put together

Filming took 1 full day, and the editing and animation of the birdman en fake airplane took about 2 weeks (next to our normal day-jobs:S)
Cost a few sleeples nights to get it done in time for the Hercules Boogie, which is what we made it for (just for fun, had nothing to do with the 'official' boogie video)

There where a few posts about this earlyer in the regular forum about a month ago.
But anyways...always great to hear people liked it :)
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