
V-1 in action

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There is a video of Robert flying at A*** with the SF3 and he got a pretty long delay as well.

Like I wrote over on the BASE forum:

Altitude difference between the LZ and exit is around 4000'. My normal delay on my S3 is around 45sec, Robert did 53sec with the V-1 BUT this was his longest flight in terms of distance flown & high opening altitude i.e. the glide ratio kicks a*s!!

He ended up pulling early because he had flown so far past the LZ (and was "losing" altitude flying uphill). With the V-1 prototype he made delays over 1 minute but not covering the same distance.

Robert is still getting used to the production suit so we can expect the distance (and time) figures to improve B|

The decent rate is sloooow so at the DZ the plane will probably have finished refueling by the time you land ;)

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Robert tracked into the next province!

I just downloaded Robert flying the S3 clip(available for download at the birdman website). He flies for 1 min and 2 secs, but covers a lot less distance.

A wingsuit pilot in the BASE boards(not on this site) was saying that the distance covered in the V1 was nearly Double.


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I just downloaded Robert flying the S3 clip(available for download at the birdman website). He flies for 1 min and 2 secs, but covers a lot less distance.

A wingsuit pilot in the BASE boards(not on this site) was saying that the distance covered in the V1 was nearly Double.

So this leads to the question.

Are wingsuit pilots looking for long flight times or distance they can cover?


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I think someone wrote that Robert pulled higher than normal because he had flown so far he was starting to fly uphill at the other end... so perhaps if he had had an unlimited supply of flat ground to continue flying over he would have had both duration AND distance...

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...cause that is one element were all the flyers can play regardless of their weight ;)

Heavy pilots will always collect less seconds than light ones, but glide can be the same . That is the fair comparison
Robert Pecnik

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...cause that is one element were all the flyers can play regardless of their weight ;)

Heavy pilots will always collect less seconds than light ones, but glide can be the same . That is the fair comparison

Thanks for your input Robert! :)

Be safe

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<< I don't care about time, I care about the glide ratio only !!!
...cause that is one element were all the flyers can play regardless of their weight >>

Oh yeah ? prove it !!
Ed is organizing a big way in Lodi ,.. bring some demos so that we can put this theory to the test .;)

hahahha just kidding man, hmm hhmm but really when you gonna make your way over to NorCal.

best regards

Keeping it real 22x7

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what to prove?!
There is no suit which can make the one who has 200 lb to collect same seconds like one in 100 lb. What I need to do to prove you this?!

Aerodynamics is very tricky but at the same time has very strict basic rules.

If you only and always going for time during flying, you have good chance to get wrong perception of ws efficiency and probably will never really meet the ultimate ws performance of the ws you using.

in contrary, Glide Ratio tells you all you need to know.
True is that we are not the same, and while some like to flock , some like to fly time, but also some likes to fly max performance too. Also, those who know how to get max G.R., have better flights when they go for time too, simply cause they feel better.

To get the idea about the efficiency of the suit the glide ratio is ONLY measure.

nice day
Robert Pecnik

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Rob: I know I know, Im just kidding !!
this was a joke hinting you to come down and visit, thats why I put the ";)" in there.

I also think your knowledge of aero dynamics/ skydiving is way above my comprehension level , I have read some interesting stuff in here that you have written , to the point I get lost.
definitely I regard You as an authority when it comes to disscussing flight. and Im happy to be able to visit this forum and follow these discussions.

best regards

Keeping it real 22x7

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