
wing suit speeds

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I will like to know the different speeds you can achieved with the different brand and models of wing suits

" sfly, acces, vampire, bird man classic 1 - 2, S3 ........"

also your weight, high, experience.

and off course your best data: avg speed, first 15 seconds, second 15 seconds .........

and the instrument you used protrack, neptune 2, Gps....

Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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tipe of suit: Bird man Classic 1

weight: 140 pounds
height: 6'1
wing suit expirience: 10 jumps
first 15 second: 62 m/ph
second 15 second: 55 m/ph
AVG speed: 59 m/ph
instrument: protrack


Get Killed or Die Trying!
Patent pending ATFK15456

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weight: 83 kg (183lb)
height 5'9

clasic 2
experience: wingsuit jumps 0-30
average spd (SAS): 70mph
ground speed: slow (measured visually)
was not improving

experience: wingsuit jumps 30-50
average spd (SAS): 60mph
ground speed: medium (measured visually)
was not improving

experience: wingsuit jumps 50-80
average spd (SAS): 50mph
ground speed: fast (gps speed +-100 kph)
continuing to improve on every jump, especially glide ratio and distance covered

Best advice I can give is dont get too hung up on the numbers, enjoy the flights and the numbers should come. For a long while I was too focused on slowing down my descent rate and completely forgot about glide ratio/forward speed.


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Best advice I can give is dont get too hung up on the numbers, enjoy the flights and the numbers should come.

Yes! The most important thing is to have fun :)
experience: 20+ jumps
avg: 80km/h
instrument: pro-track
ground speed: improving with each jump. When I was flying along a highway I noticed that I am flying a lot faster than the cars are driving B|

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I have 207 wingsuit jumps(6'2", 200-205 lbs out the door). I may have been able to get better performance out of the classic had I known some of the things I know now.

Matter 2 (one jump) : 67 mph avg(pilot error).
Classic-II(About 70 jumps) : Best average 54 mph.
GTI(about 50 jumps) : Best average 46 mph
S3(About 60 jumps) : Best average 38 mph( this jump was at sea level)
S-Fly(25 or so total, about 10 or so solos for gathering numbers) : Best Average 50 mph

Forgot to add: If you keep going for time/GPS distance etc. and neglect jumping with others(or cannot jump with others because you are the only WS pilot at your DZ) you will have trouble on flocking jumps.


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Forgot to add: If you keep going for time/GPS distance etc. and neglect jumping with others(or cannot jump with others because you are the only WS pilot at your DZ) you will have trouble on flocking jumps.

The funny thing is that flocking has helped me understand the suit and my body better, and now when I max out I feel more solid.

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6'3" 175 lbs. 267 ws jumps (mostly Gti, a few S3)

Just the descent rate doesn't mean much to me, glide ratio is my only measure of performance.

You also need to know what the winds aloft were when taking into consideration glide and forward speed.

I've had a glide ratio of 2.8 in my Gti (with a 45 mph tail wind, which made my ground speed around 130mph from GPS!)

No wind glide ratio on the Gti is at 1.8- 85 mph fwd avg. by GPS, fall rate 47 mph avg. by protrack.
Fall rate on Gti has been down to 40 avg for the entire flight, but sacrificed glide... not much fun.

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Yes, when I fly just for the most glide, I take the spot out 3.5 - 4 miles or more depending on the altitude and winds aloft.

I just turn around right away and fly a straight line back to the DZ.

**SAFETY note to anyone learning...take the spot out gradually and ONLY fly down the line of flight when safety allows it and the airspace is clear of other jumpers, tandems, high flying flocks of geese, etc.**

The DZ here also has two landing areas, the airport and a student field 2.3 miles from the airport, so there's some flexibility when it comes to the spots.

Flying a straight line has really helped to fine tune glide, but I have learned to fly box patterns without losing the glide by turning with the legs and making the turn gradual to avoid losing the forward speed.
It's more like a semi-circle than a box.

I always focus on the forward speed and try to eliminate drag from airflow straight ahead, not increase drag from airflow below.

I sweep back the hands, keep the toes slightly in, head down, eyes up, and just think "more forward speed"

Straight body from head to toe, adjusting the angle of attack.
At first it was surprising that my fall rate was low, without even thinking about it.

Arm pressure is significantly less when focusing on forward speed and turning that speed to lift to keep the fall rate down.
Just took lotsa practice, as will getting the good numbers with the V1.
:)here's a pic of my body position.

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That about sums it up, now I'm depressed, thanks Ed!
We do a lot of hop 'n pops at the ceiliing.
Or in my case: FLAP 'N POPS

Sound like a good reason to get your "wingsuit flyin' ass" down here (where it rains LESS) to do some flocking huh? :P:D


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I definitely want to come down there this year, $15 to 13K seven days a week, I miss being down there.

It's probably impossible to remember all of your students, but you were my AFF instructor back in '95 at Yolo.

Small world.

Those were the good old days, it would be super cool to do some flocks with you!

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It's probably impossible to remember all of your students, but you were my AFF instructor back in '95 at Yolo.

Really, No shit? :)
You right, it's very hard to remember all my students, since there are so many.
I am usually good at remembering faces tho.

More reason to fly with me again Bro! ;)


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