
wing tip grippers

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In this post, the difference between the S3 and V1 grippers was discussed. I agree that the V1 *looks* to be more ergonomic than the S3 in this aspect.

However, there's more than 2 ways to design a gripper. Whenever I see pictures of people flying suits with grippers (99.9% of the time S3's) I take note of how they hold their grippers, since it varies from person to person a bit. Take a close look at the cover of this month's Parachutist. AFAIK, Jeb flies an S4 prototype. I could be wrong, but that gripper design looks radically different than the S3 or V1. The grippers appear to be along the "trailing edge", so to speak, which seems to promote a "palms up" (up being toward your back and the sky) hand/arm position, while both the S3 and the V1 seem to promote a "palms in" (in being toward the sides of your body). I like the idea of being able to fly palms up (this is how I flew my GTi since I had no grippers)... it seems to me it is more natural to roll your shoulders when you are palms up. It's also easier to see an alti on your hand this way.


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The grippers on the S3 and the V1 are not fixed, and can be held or pulled out in any way that is comfortable to the pilot.

Try different holds on the grippers until you feel comfortable with one you like. ;)

Be safe

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True Ed, but it seems to me with my S3 that there is an "optimal" position for the grippers, with regards to keeping the wing in the best non-distorted shape. I'm crazy, I know, but I actually stood in front of the mirror in my S3 and checked this out. It's possible to move my hands to a very comfortable position and still hold the grippers, but I have put some torsional tension on the end of the wing and it doesn't look nearly as efficient that way.

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What you do in front of the mirror in your suit is your own thing Bro. :D:P

As I have told a few friends with GTI's and S1's to add wing tip grippers, or extentions, to the suits they fly and they have found great added performance and manuverability.

Designing and adding extentions to the grippers you have on your suit now, to fit your comfortable flying style, is something you might want to do maybe. ;)

I find my grippers VERY comfortable to fly. :)


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Likewise, I never let go of my grippers except to give hand signals, to take docks, and right before pull time. Conversely, Cancer Chris hardly ever touches his at all, instead choosing to fly with "pancake" gloves on (like for skysurfing and, originally, for paddling out into "real" surf). I also know of at least one person who has extended his S3 grippers around to the trailing edge.

I do not believe Jeb's suit has grippers any different than your suit. I have played with more than one mylar-equipped BirdMan prototypes and none had grippers any different than mine.

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Let us not forget that Jeb's suit is a modified S1 not a S3.

The arm wings are smaller and more swept back than a production S3. This leads to a very different arm-hand position. Just my .2.

By the way I have modified my S3. I did not fly it yet (nice NE weather). Once I do I will post pics of the mod and feedback.
Memento Audere Semper


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