
greetings from Z-flock!

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Waaay cool!

When viewing that big triangle/wedge formation, is that something that is flown in one plane (is the leading flyer on the same level as the ones in the back) or is this something that's stacked upward towards the back or the formation?
I'm an Athlete?

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is the leading flyer on the same level as the ones in the back

They should be mostly on the same level, but some tend to fly the slots alittle high.
Being on level is best because if you get some moving into their slot in front of you, it leaves you in the burble which will quickly drop you out of the formation.
Or if someone flying next to you washes alittle you may get pulled into their burble, which looks like whats happening in the 2nd pic. :P

Keepin' it safe!

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I can't be sure of that dive, but during the 3 days we worked on horizontal formations which reached about 24, purely vertical formations which reached about 9 and mixed horizontal/vertical formations around 14. It's going to take awhile to sort through the data ... I have over 10G of pics and video from Perry and Darren.

There's no way to thank everyone ... Rob and Kathy from Morpheus, Robi Pecnick, James (where's my beer?!), Cancer Chris, TK and the whole Z-Hills staff, Perry for all that incredible video (will you name that bump on your head after me?) ... and all you flockers who came ... Bill, Paul, Matt, Marc, Greig, Jenn (ditch that hackey!), Larry, Darren, Luke, Aubrey, Omar, Petter, Baxter, Anni, Scotty, Kris, Mike and many more. I think we had about 30 people all told with 28 on Saturday. YOU PEOPLE ROCK!

It was really a privledge to help organize you guys and we all learned SO much. I can only promise that the next time will be even better with 3D dives I can only begin to picture.

I'll work on the video and stills, but I've got several real-life things that will slow me down. I'll post when I've got somthing in a finished form. I've got everything from Perry and Darren. Send me a message if you've got anything else I missed.

In the meantime here's a couple of shots that jump out at me.. a shot of our partially complete stack (with 7 people and 3 different types of wingsuits) and another of our double-arrow mixed horizontal and vertical dive.

I'm sunburned, sore all over (especially my ankle) and bone tired .. WHAT a GREAT time this weekend!!



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Is the red and black V-1 in the top right of stack.jpg a prototype or pre production model? The red and white one to the left seems to have so much more leg wing extending below the feet.

Awesome photo's, just wish I could fly already!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Cool Pics !!

Thanks to Scott, Chris, Larry, Perry, and everbody else who helped put it together. And as always a big thanks to TK and staff!!

Had a great time and tripled my number of jumps on my classic. (I now have 6. :)
Look forward to our next visit, Jenn did win those free jumps, within a year.

Perry, I'll get those pics on a disc and in the mail soon. (did you find the Shiner we left?).

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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Is the red and black V-1 in the top right of stack.jpg a prototype or pre production model? The red and white one to the left seems to have so much more leg wing extending below the feet.

It looks like the legwing is just not completely inflated with the top V-1 flyer, and folded back a bit?
I'm an Athlete?

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I will post about my 3rd reserve ride after I re-create the mess and take some pics of the p/c!
Thanks Perry for loaning me your demo rig for a few jumps while they packed my reserve!! :)I'll also post the pictures Larry took from the ground of our last big flock Saturday.
Thanks everyone, I had so much fun and learned a ton!! And I'll be back to use those free jumps later this year:P

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Here's the view from the 4th row of the big diamond flock...that's James geeking the camera:P! Wish we could have stayed for Sunday too - darn work keeps getting in the way of jumping!>:(
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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I missed thanking the sponsors of the meet:

Morpheus Technologies
Sunshine Factory
Skydive City

There were some great prizes handed out Saturday night, and the chances of winning were about 1 in 3 ... a lot better odds than the lottery!

I'd like to point out something in Todd's 16way.jpg photo ... obviously the flock must move at the rate of its slowest-forward/fastest-downward flyer. The guy (Bill) in the middle of the shot is a pretty big guy in a GTi and he's nearing the best he can do. The V-1's are flying really dirty to stay in place. The point is that compatible weights/suits will enable flocks to fly optimally (oh yeah, and ability to fly the suit to its best).

So if you're a bigger person in a GTi or Classic and want to flock with V-1's, you may want to consider upgrading your wingsuit. This excepts those light folks like Anni and Omar ... put either of you in a V-1 and I'll be drinking in the bar before you open!


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I was gonna point out the same thing, Scott. Look at Mike's (purple S3, to Bill's left) legs compared to Bill's. Mike's a light guy in an S3 and his legs look even more bent than the V-1 guys to me. Bill was definitely flying his suit!

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Highee!! Thanks to all for helping to make this event flow so smoothly!! Have pics on disc for those who didnt have time to download on site,send me an email and adress and will pass them on!!! The Shiner made for a great chaser after body shots, thanks Jenn, till we can all meet again??? P
Only he can be happy,who can make his the present hour,for today he has lived

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I've posted the picture of my pc in tow/hacky mal in the thread above.

Here's Saturday's last flock as seen from the ground!!

I have a few more of us gearing up and playing skate and chug I'll post when I get time to shrink them :)

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In addition to thanking the sponsors I would like to say a BIG thank you to Scott and Chris for being excellent organisers. Ensuring the dives were challenging and great fun.B|

Thanks to Perry for the great footage and stills.B|

..and not forgetting the most critical part! The Z-flockers!:

Larry H
Mark K
Bill S
Bill W
Robert P
Robert J
Scott B
Larry S
Mark H
..sorry to those i missed [:/]

Thanks for all the great flights guys! Those 2 plane formation loads rocked! :D

Many of the flockers took the chance to try out the V-1 and Prodigy, all returned with big smiles on their faces.

The flock grew by another 8 skydivers who "took flight" for the first time with the Prodigy, all commenting how simple and easy to the suit is to fly.

I will post some more photos later, Perry (& Darren) took some awesome shots.

Until the next time!

Long flights,


(Better get practicing for the next Skate & Chug! :P)

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The pic James posted was Sunday after a few folks had skipped out. Saturdays loads topped out around 28 people split into 2 Otters!

I'm still working through pics, but here's a few from Perry.

scott and bill ... Bill saw I had some gum on my shoe and was kind enough to get it off.

matt grins ... Matt's sh*t-eating grin as he swoops between Aubrey and Perry

Friday 10way ... one of our first day jumps

More later....


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