
MAX regular Tracking

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MAX regular Tracking

We were doing dome "big ways" at the DZ today and really got to do some MAX tracking since we broke at 5k.

Well I tried something I had heard before and the technique worked sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I went max track and looked between my leggs and watched the formation as I speed away. I was slightly (few degrees) more head down taht usual, but the fwd speed was awesome!

That was an awesome visual! I wish I had my camera on. I will hopefully have it tomorrow and will post what I see.

Might be old news/boring to some, but if you havent tried it, you might be missing somthing if you dont.

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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As the flocks get bigger, break off procedures need to be re-addressed. Even though the organizer always says..clear your air space and give a strong deployment signal. Most of us at one time or another are guilty of concentrating on maxing out for maybe too long.

If a big formation breaks off and everyone flies for 20-25 secs after breakoff, there may be issues of proximity on opening.


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