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QuoteHow is he supposed to get a Vampire, S3S, Phantom, Firebird, and Phi and fly them all?
Last time I checked, both of those manufacturers had reps with demos available both in the US and abroad. If one is interested in flying a suit then one will find a way to make it happen.
Quotefor most people, that the V1 is the fastest suit they've flown.....Yes, you will be slowing down for flocks.........being fast will get old fast.
So why should anyone be concerned with being fast then?

Some people dream about flying, I live my dream
outrager 6
QuoteYou can buy a fast car but thats no guarentee that your going to win a race against a better driver.
I chopped your second long post to this one line, as the rest was entirely off-topic.
The question was super simple: "What is the fastest car?". There is an equally simple answer, with a particular model that has the highest top speed. Period. Discussing "the best car for you" is an entirely different subject.
Regarding wingsuits, the fastest is V1, without any arguing. It also currently has the highest L/D (glide ratio).
Given the same pilot skill, the fastest suit is the one with the highest L/D and the highest wing loading.
You can probably make a suit that will have much smaller wings (i.e. higher wing loading) while still keeping L/D high, specifically for winning a horisontal speed race. However it won't be very convenient for anything else.
Finally, so far it has been nearly impossible to measure with any precision either horizontal speeds or L/D on skydives, due to equally hard to measure winds that change direction and strength with altitude. However, it is super simple to measure everything almost absolutely perfect on most BASE flights, due to nearly zero winds required for most locations, direct line of flight and perfect exit/opening GPS marks. Thus BASE wingsuit flights, where pilots go all-out (and sometimes MUST fly or die) have been a true measure of wingsuits for the last 6 years. S3 ruled '03 and '04. V1 ruled '05. Let's see what will be "it" in '06

Last time I checked, both of those manufacturers had reps with demos available both in the US and abroad. If one is interested in flying a suit then one will find a way to make it happen.
OK, I'd like to demo any of the new BM suits. Hook me up, US rep.
So why should anyone be concerned with being fast then?
Ask Trae, he's the one who wants to haul ass. I know that by yourself, it's fun as hell, more fun and more visceral than slow fall or good glide, at least IMHO.
Like a giddy school girl.
QuoteOK, I'd like to demo any of the new BM suits. Hook me up, US rep.
If you are serious then either contact Birdman or PM me with your information.
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream
QuotePM me with your information.
Done. I look forward to experiencing some new suits.

Like a giddy school girl.
Trae 1

I've flown, Classic2, Gti and S3....The S3 was the least fun although it did out perform the others.
As some of these were loaners the not quite right fit no doubt affected my judgement .
Is the Vampire similar to fly to the S3?
From what I've been told it flies better with less physical input than the S3.
Is this correct?
outrager 6
QuoteIs the Vampire similar to fly to the S3?
From what I've been told it flies better with less physical input than the S3.
It is somewhat similar, however i personally had to make a big adjustment in my flying style. I got the best glide out of S3 trying to go slow (and it did glide great, 2.4 on best BASE flights!). Same didn't work very well on V1 and i eventually gave up and sped it up, reaching 2.5+ glide.
Physical input (muscle effort) in a maxed-out flight is the same or even a bit harder in V1. This will only increase as perfomance gets better, such are the rules of the game. However, at less-then-max (in a flock) it will take you less effort than, say, a pilot of a maxed-out Classic - because you will be flying in a relaxed body position.
When it comes to glide, the only real competition coming so far may be GS1, or the Sugarglider version that Shaun and Julian are working on. It will probably fly a bit slower, which is a benefit for BASE anyway.
Let's be real, that's just about impossible. I only know of 2 manufacturers (Jii Wings and Fly You Body) which give demos to non-instructors. How is he supposed to get a Vampire, S3S, Phantom, Firebird, and Phi and fly them all? He can't, so he has to go on people's word. And the word is, for most people, that the V1 is the fastest suit they've flown. I know that's true for me, also. I've never flown anything that will outrun a Vampire.
And Trae, to answer one of your earlier questions: Yes, you will be slowing down for flocks. If you're a big guy, being fast will get old fast.
Like a giddy school girl.
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