
Z-Flock at Puerto Rico FreeFall Fest 2006

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I will be there from Feb 3rd to Feb 13th. I plan to do some scuba diving prior to the boogie. If you are a scuba diver and would like to join me, then let me know as soon as possible, so that I can make the reservations for the best dive sites.

I'd also like to arrange a trip over to the ecological reserve on Mona Island. This is for scuba divers as well as non-scuba divers. Ideally, we could dive near this island as well as explore it on land.

Check out:


Also, there are some cool bioluminescent bays. In particular, here is a link to the one on Vieques:


The weekend before the boogie is a new moon, so the bioluminescent effect should be great!


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How deep you diving, Mike? I could bring my freedive gear if it's less than 100ft. ;) I would love to see some of that bioluminescent stuff... I've never really dove anything but the freshwater springs in FL.

I will only be there 7th (afternoon) through 12 (evening) though.

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I plan to do some scuba diving prior to the boogie. If you are a scuba diver and would like to join me, then let me know as soon as possible, so that I can make the reservations for the best dive sites.

sounds like it would be lots of fun. I'd just need to do a little refresher, but should be fine. now i think I really need to get my ass down there... earlier too!B| I PMd ya my cell.

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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Here is my flight info (and seating arrangement) if any of you guys (you know who you are) coincide with any of this let me know (preferably by phone).

Flight#: SONG 2019
Depart from Olrando (MCO) on Tuesday 7th at 11:10 am and arrive to San Juan (SJU) at 2:49 pm. (seat 10F).

Flight#: SONG 1983
Depart from San Juan (SJU) on Monday 13th at 3:55 pm and arrive to Orlando (MCO) at 6:07 pm. (seat 5c).

ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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Try to come earlier. I'm planning to do non-skydiving events prior to the boogie. The trip to Vieques requires one night's stay on the island, unless you can find transportation back to the mainland via boat or plane (maybe the DZ 182). However, there are two biobays on the mainland. I went to one of these two years ago, but I forget the name.


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The trip to Vieques requires one night's stay on the island, unless you can find transportation back to the mainland via boat or plane (maybe the DZ 182)

Or you could swim back. We used to surface swim back from Vieques island to Rossie roads back in the day. Its a bit of a haul but excellent P.T.;)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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There are 2 bio bays in Puerto Rico, One in Fajardo which you can Kayak in... I highly reccomend.. and i can get you the tour info if you want it. The other one is in La parguera on the south west corner of the island. This bay unfortunatly has lost much of the glowing shit (dinoflagilites.. or somehting like that) so i dont recomend it... The one in Vieques though is the best of all!!! there they have a guided electrical pontoon boat run by some marine biologist University Lady who is mad smart...she explains everything really well and can answer all sorts of questions.
As far as the diving goes I have a bunch of recomendations as I have been diving on the island for 10+ years.. I dove an awsome wall on the south west corner of the island on saturday.. it was Wicked!!

If anybody needs more info or help just PM or post and I will do what i can..

cant wait for the flocking to begin!!!!!

HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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wow.. you saw the whole thing in 20 minutes.. from my recolection it took almost 20 minutes just to get to the bay paddling... my excursions have been 1- 1:30 min.
here is a link of peoples reviews of the bay:

I am pretty sure i went with Eco-action tours who have a great and well organized setup.. their contact info is:
787.791.7509, or email ecoactiontours@yahoo.com

So... I am still open for questions or comments.. get your trips together and get the most out of this beautifull island!!!

my next journey is to go caving and canyoning with these people... it really looks cool!!
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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I'm arriving at SJU Tuesday Feb 7th at 12:30pm anyone able to share a ride or want to go in on a car?

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"
12 Medusa
13 Macca (Zeemax) - (possibly)
14 Bryan Rapoza (avenfoto)
15 Mark (normiss)
16 Annie!
17 Olivia!
18 Rosalyn!
19 Joni
20 Skyflyingbecca
21 Purple Mike
22 Walt

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I will be arriving Sat the 4th before noon unless I can get off work friday. I am planning on scuba diving a couple of days and maybe renting a plane for a day to tour the Island. I contacted one of the local flight schools and the will let me rent a cessna after a short check ride. I have decided not to fly my plane down because the commercial flights are so cheap. I know Purple Mike is arriving that weekend and if anyone else is coming early lets try to get a dive trip together maybe sunday or monday.

"Tikipaul" Paul Mazzillo

I'm arriving at SJU Tuesday Feb 7th at 12:30pm anyone able to share a ride or want to go in on a car?

1 OmarPR
2 "Scary" Perry
3 Matt "The 111" Hoover
4 Jeff "My Eyes!"
5 "Cancer" Chris Ware
6 Scott Bland
7 Nathaniel
8 Zach "Buried"
9 Ivan "Rock On"
10 Danny "Tommy Boy" (droquette)
11 Jose "Turtle"
12 Medusa
13 Macca (Zeemax) - (possibly)
14 Bryan Rapoza (avenfoto)
15 Mark (normiss)
16 Annie!
17 Olivia!
18 Rosalyn!
19 Joni
20 Skyflyingbecca
21 Purple Mike
22 Walt

23 "Tikipaul" St Pete Paul

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thanks to all the birds and the weather. Nice flocks from 2 to 15 way!!! Special thanks to "purple Mike" for his help with tickets and keepen things moven when back slowed me down, you rock man!!! Couyldnt have done it without you!!! uh huh!!! Beach Jumps!!!!:)
Only he can be happy,who can make his the present hour,for today he has lived

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I just want to say thank you to Z-flock and all of the other birds for welcoming this midwestern bird into your flocks at Puerto Rico. While flying alone in these northern skies, I have been watching your videos and looking at your pictures dreaming of being a part of such flocks but never really imaging it would ever be possible. I am so glad I got to meet the wonderful people in the pictures. You made my dreams come true. Plus, your patient teaching gave me lots of good information which I can share with others here at home and utilize to continue to improve my flying skills. Special thanks to Omar, Mike and Perry for all your work. The flocks were phenomenal and I can't wait to see the videos.
I am looking forward to seeing everyone again at Z-flock and dock in April!
The skies definitely have no limits and wingsuits are only just beginning to soar. I hope you guys keep on growing, learning and expanding your limits, while maintaining your wonderful open attitude to sharing it with the rest of us. When everyone works together the possibilities surpass my imagination!


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Thank you every one that showed up to flock in Puerto Rico. I hope everyone had fun. Special thanks go to Perry, Mike, and Matt for all the help and patience from day one. Mike, I agree with Perry. You are the man! I can't thank you enough. JP nice to have met you. Walt, thanks for the early rides. Bryan keep up the good work; I hope you learned a lot and don't be so shy :)
Most of all. Thank you Chris Martin for being the first to give their first wings to the Boricuas in Puerto Rico including myself.

This one's for Chris. Cheers.

ZF#5 , HISPA#70
Blue Skies...
...Big Fat Clouds

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I just wanted to thank everybody for coming down and enjoying our beautifull sky and filling it with Birds. I am pretty sure these are the biggest flocks on the island yet... I really had a great time and learned a bunch from everybody. I hope all of you can make it next year and more!!
Post the vids and pics!!!!!

BLue skies and phat clouds...
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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