
The Neptune Challenge....

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I'm un-officially starting a contest for the lowest recorded opening on your neptune/dytter. You MUST use a skydiving rig and exit from a plane with a wingsuit. Post a picture of your neptune for proof... The winner gets a steak dinner from Tom A.:ph34r: Here's my entry........

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regardless of the altitude varialbes that go along with audible alitimers...... The show must go on!!

I thought this was an obvious rule, but I'll say it anyways.


Abuse of this rule is punishable by being banned from the forums for 7 days:P

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If your exit altitude is correct, as well as your opening altitude, I'd say your time of only 2 mins 46 seconds, your flying skills, well....... SUCK! :D:D:D

Hope you dont have a mal at that altitude on your skydiving gear.

And what a great way to get booted off the dz....;)

Be safe

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to keep this from being a purely photoshop contest, I suggest these two additional rules:

- you must post video from your perspective

- you must post video from the ground

this will make it fun for all the online spectators :o

to try and keep it from being carnage (in case there are enough :Sstoopid:S people out there willing to do this with the wrong equipment and/or experience ) I suggest this additional rule:

- you have to be able to stand up the landing and walk away from it uninjured

having said that, did you really only have an open skydiving canopy at 400 ft ?

soon to be gone

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I was just thinking how cool it was that Wingsuit flying in the skydive enviroment hasn't resulted in fatal injuries yet (resulting from direct use of the suit) Good to see someone working hard on changing that!!

If you wanna be cool...hold a no-pull contest and land the f*ker B|
I'm an Athlete?

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for the record, I'm not advocating this 'contest' as a good idea...

and as for there being no wingsuit fatalities yet, unfortunately you are mistaken about that, as one of the pioneers of the modern era of wingsuit flying died on a wingsuit jump and the cause seems pretty clearly linked to his wingsuit... :(

and that's not even counting all the birdmen from before the 'modern era of wingsuiting', you know, the era where it's quicker to count the survivors rather than the fatalities... [:/]

they may be gone, but they are not forgotten

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