
Flying with a smoke grenade?

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Hey there,

I'm doing some research into jumping with a smoke grenade. I've got a design in my head for the bracket but want to know if there's any danger in burning my wingsuit or something like that. And how to go about avoiding that shit.

Thanks in advance,

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Yes, you can definitely get slag on your suit if you are jumping M-18 smoke, but who cares. Jim Wallace makes a decent bracket and the ones the GK's use is OK for multi can ops. So long as you have a quick release for it you will be fine. I am sure either Kevin Orkin, Scott Campos or some other techie will chime in with pics. Actually, there are pics of brackets somewhere already in this forum, so do a search.


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Cos the bracket I wanna make must be able to switch foot for the different aircraft exits. We mainly jump 206's :-( so it'll be on my right foot to prevent smoke dyed booties. The red/orange canisters will be what I'll use. Can't remember the name, but comes in a orange can with orange screw cap.
Drags me down, like some sweet gravity...
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight...the silence is over, he's shattered the night!!!

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Yes, you can definitely get slag on your suit if you are jumping M-18 smoke, but who cares.

I'll say, my super-silver s3 has no signs of smoke on it with the exception of the bootie snaps. I think the silver fabric they use has some type of coating on it that doesn't stain easily. I have probably 40 or 50 smoke jumps on this suit.

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we have done it again.
we developted a flame-less milatery version M18 color smoke grenade that is legal to sell and buy without a ATF licence.
no ports or baffels.
cool burn and hazmat free shipping.
shipped by fedex ground.
no energentic compounds allows hazmat free shipping.
now you guys can have your hard to find M18 smoke grenades with pull-pin ignition
ask and you shall receive.

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we have done it again.
we developted a flame-less milatery version M18 color smoke grenade that is legal to sell and buy without a ATF licence.
no ports or baffels.
cool burn and hazmat free shipping.
shipped by fedex ground.
no energentic compounds allows hazmat free shipping.
now you guys can have your hard to find M18 smoke grenades with pull-pin ignition
ask and you shall receive.

Anyone have any experience with this product? I'd be interested in hearing how successful it is.

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How hot do they get? I currently jump the smoke from Paragear.

How visable is the smoke in freefall?
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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