
No Wingsuits Allowed

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SDH help and encourage all wingsuit fliers.

Assuming you mean that SDH has helped and encouraged all wing suit fliers, there is no argument. You have.

However, your current rule regarding low exit vs. no exit neither helps nor encourages any wing suit flier.


4 diferent instructors and video complain about wingsuit fliers flying to close

Do you mean 4 different times? Every time an instructor, video dude has said something to Jenn she took action and followed through. Hey, whatever happened to that go around/180 rule?


not luminus staff meetings and you know what i mean

Do you mean the meetings where I present my case in a clear and concise manner, with supporting facts?

This reminds me of when FF's started at SDH and there was a big deal about exit order, (winds ff out last, no winds out first, define wind?). Plenty of confusion and close sightings until the DZO said "Here it is RW, FF." that was that. We learned how to deal with it and over time it has become practicly a non-issue.

Hopefully you will rethink this rule and work with Jenn to find the best way to safely accommodate both tandoms and wing suits on the same load.

Until then we are forced to jump elsewhere.

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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"When push comes to shove...Do you think the DZ would rather have a few happy WS folks and fly a Cessna, or a bunch of happy other jumpers that fill an Otter?"

I'd have to say Otter. The Cessna hasn't flown in years.:(

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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There was one incident a year ago where a visiting wingsuit pilot pulled at 2K' and had line twists,


complaints... with Troy shooting video, both about a year ago. Neither the wingsuit pilot nor Troy was close enough to captured the other on their videos,

Hey Jenn, Voodew and I are sorry about getting you chased off your DZ. :ph34r:

Kinda wierd that they're doing this now. A lot of this stuff (Voodew, Me, and I'm guessing the low pulls were Doug) happened quite a while ago, and with people who aren't even jumpers there.

Anyway, just go jump at Spaceland.


Staff meeting...

Does Waller even have any staff left? I thought all your people were at SSM now. :)

Like a giddy school girl.

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Would you then punish the whole discipline, or tell the offender (and let the load organizer know) he can't wingsuit there?

*I* would punish the person. However, it is quite possible that several people *Appeared* to be a problem to the DZO. If it was more that one person (And this could be due to people who are freaked out by a WS jumper in the same plane...so they could be over reacting...However, if there is the one or two that are acting like jerks, then it opens up the door for people to over react)

All I aksed was was it possible a few were acting like jerks? If so then the others there could become hyper-sensitive to the issue.


See above in my response to sdh- we tried to make things better for the other jumpers whether we thought we erred or not

OK, but thats YOU. Is it possible some others were not so nice?


I don't care who you are or how many jumps you have, if you think there's a safety problem let's talk about it and find a safe solution.

I agree, but as you can see some people don't agree and are militant that they are right and everyone else is wrong. That does not help the issue.

All I am saying is that even though YOU have tried very hard to play nice (It seems that way to me). Is it possible someone else is not and being a pain enough that the DZO had few options left?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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One more thing she was not chased out. after the staff meeting the decision to not let wingsuit on loads with tandems was made several options wore given and I only got a refusal for an answer . SDH helped by providing free slots to the wingsuit intructor even when the student was already proficent on the wingsuit. I will say this again and again those were our actions and cant be denied. We could have worked something out but what can I say, if that person is yelling "i'm leaving to the other DZ" a little loyalty would have been apreciated

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Hello Ron,
I'll be @ Z-Hills for Flock-n-Dock this weekend.
If you are there, can I buzz you, please.
I'll be the guy with the purple suit,
unless I have my red one on.
God bless you.

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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For people that don't like the way they do bussiness at the other DZ they promoted it well.

Huh? Who? I think there should be a comma or maybe a noun in this sentence somewhere. Are you talking about San Marcos? Or Spaceland?

Also, I'm well aware that you still have staff. I looked at your staff page earlier today, and there were people right on there. My comment was a joke.

Like a giddy school girl.

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One more thing she was not chased out. after the staff meeting the decision to not let wingsuit on loads with tandems was made several options wore given and I only got a refusal for an answer . SDH helped by providing free slots to the wingsuit intructor even when the student was already proficent on the wingsuit. I will say this again and again those were our actions and cant be denied. We could have worked something out but what can I say, if that person is yelling "i'm leaving to the other DZ" a little loyalty would have been apreciated

Once again you refer to the staff meeting that was not announced beforehand or attended by more than 3 people with an actual rating. Ok, MAYBE 4.

Your "Serveral Options" are 2. Get out low or don't get out. If this is incorrect please clarify.

There is no argument that you have, IN THE PAST, provided support to wingsuit instructors and students. Nobody is denying it.

"We could have worked somthing out". Your response to all our inquires was, "That's the new rule". We had no choice but to exit for another DZ. And I don't recall a lot of yelling.

Loyalty? It's funny that you should speak of loyalty. The core of your regular fun jumpers were there before you showed up, myself included. SDH has been a part of my life for over 10 years, thick & thin. Howeever, one can take only so much BS and non-jumping, so a change was mandated. Loyalty has to flow both ways.

I truly have nothing against you personally, but you make some really bad decisions at times.

'In an insane society a sane person seems insane.' Mr. Spock

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...if that person is yelling "i'm leaving to the other DZ" a little loyalty would have been apreciated

I must have missed this part, who was yelling? I was speaking with jumpers and an S&TA while you were up flying the load. Then I let people know I would be jumping at Spaceland that afternoon and left, since there was no point in me hanging around for tandems on every load.

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Hello Ron,
I'll be @ Z-Hills for Flock-n-Dock this weekend.
If you are there, can I buzz you, please

I will not be there, but if you ask me before hand I have no problem with a buzz job.

As long as:
1. We have agreed to the "nojoy" altitude.
2. We agree on the distance.
3. Its not a tandem.
4. We both agree which jump it is.

I think that it can be quite fun as long as those 4 things are met.

Ray Dutch has buzzed me a few times, a few others have as well.

As long as I am asked, I normally agree.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Looks like I'm coming back...

oh HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!! B| *MeOwW* ;):)


but I'd like to visit all the local DZs I haven't been to in the last 6 months or more.

Completely understandable. I think now would be a good time to start getting your DZ Nomad roll on. Me and hippy Bill already have Houston DZ Nomad #1 & #2, you and Larry wanna be 3 & 4? ;) Seroiusly...set something up at Spaceland. I know several that have been wanting to test out birdie flight :)

I get my wisdom teeth yanked out April 28 and will be grounded for at least 2 weeks after that.:SB|

OUCH! Sorry to hear that girl...I'll wish ya a speedy recovery on that one!

Oh yeah..is it time for another happy hour yet? :ph34r:

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I'll be at Spaceland with Blake this Saturday all day. You should come out 'manduh.

Hm...that is very tempting...I'll see what I can do. ;)


So would that be more of a birdie migration?:D

That was funny :P But yeah..call it whatever you want girl ;)

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UPDATE: Skydive Houston is under new management! B|

The S&TA will be publishing a new rule: wingsuits exit last with a minimum delay of 30 seconds after the last tandem or student leaves and an opening altitude of 3K or higher.

Great job last weekend by the new manager, Joe! :)

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The S&TA will be publishing a new rule: wingsuits exit last with a minimum delay of 30 seconds after the last tandem or student leaves and an opening altitude of 3K or higher.

That delay looks a bit extreme and way out of spot.
It could be a good base of cross-crountry WS.

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Not a big deal really. If we're too far out we just ask for a 180, take a downwind exit and fly home :)
I tried a 30 count Sunday for a 2way flock after 4 tandems exited and it did feel really long, but then we played around a cloud and landed off anyways so more research will be needed :P

edited for spelling

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