
new toy to play with

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some people allready know that pressurized will come up with their own wingsuit soon, here are some specs:

Pressurized TRIGGER

-computer aided wing/legwing design
(high speed wing airfoil/high lift legwing airfoil)
- back swept, 3° inclined wing for best lift distribution and easy pulling
- SLS Speed Link System for fastest rig assemply
- Quick wing release with semirigid easy grab
- Power Airduct for best (clearest) airflow over the legwing
(no additional air inlet for backspoiler)
- vertical stabilizer incorporated in wingsuit
- all zippers in low drag/ windprooved quality
- double rib backspoiler
- wide leg stance

pics should be on their hp within the next 2 weeks.

for all who want to place an early order:

info@pressurized.at ;)

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it´s been a while since the last post, but now here are the first pictures. test flights from the plane and in B.A.S.E. environment showed, that the potential of the suit is awesome.

on the first jumps at MB-italy, andi (mr. pressurized) flew easily back to the cafe.

another major adavantage is, that it takes only 1 minute to assemble the rig to the suit.

to be continued...


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it´s been a while since the last post, but now here are the first pictures. test flights from the plane and in B.A.S.E. environment showed, that the potential of the suit is awesome.

Looks nice! The wings seem to be an exact copy of Vampire?


on the first jumps at MB-italy, andi (mr. pressurized) flew easily back to the cafe.

That by itself is a poor indicator: even Classic or Prodigy will fly back to the Cafe :P

Fast assembly is a nice touch!



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looks like a mix of a Pf and BM suit. I'm not sure about the vents tho.. the one on the leg wing seems small too. Are there any pics of the suit in the air from a skydive? Inflation would be more easily seen.
curious how the wings attach. the cut away cable looks like it's in the same position as a sfly/matter.

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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- Power Airduct for best (clearest) airflow over the legwing
(no additional air inlet for backspoiler)
- vertical stabilizer incorporated in wingsuit
- all zippers in low drag/ windprooved quality
- double rib backspoiler

I must not be looking closely enough, where is the vertical stabilizer again?
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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