
lateral fraying from BASE pouch velcro

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I've started using the base pouch a little more, and I'm noticing significant fraying on the lateral of my rig from where it comes in contact with the hook velcro after I deploy. Anybody have experience with this? What did you do? I'm probably going to have a rigger clean it up and sew a protective cover on it (I've got a wings, which doesn't have the convienient cordura sheath). Anyone see any problems with this?

Like a giddy school girl.

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Not sure which suit you are using, but PF supply a piece of loop velcro for you to cover any hook velcro that may be behind your rig after the shrivel sleeve has detached from the pouch. It's mentioned in the V1 manual http://www.phoenix-fly.com/articles%20stvari/V1_usermanual_1.1.pdf . Perhaps you could use the same method for a different suit, I'm guessing the pouches are similar.

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i guess i didn't explain it very well.

here is a quote from the V1 Manual. Perhaps you can find a female to read it for you and tell you what it says ;)

-From Appendix C: Using the leg pouch deployment system

"Velcro Considerations: The hook Velcro that runs the length of the pilot chute pouch on the
wingsuit will most likely run up behind the back pad on the container. After deployment this will
rub against the back pad of the container and eventually cause damage to the back pad. To
alleviate this problem, get a piece of Velcro to mate the section that will come in contact with
your back pad."

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I guess I should have read the manual better. :$ Still, I don't think that would help much. The rig sits pretty low, so I'd have to almost cover the pouch velcro to get it really protected. I had one of our riggers whip me up a velcro-on sheath for the lateral, took him about 10 minutes, which was mostly finding material. So I think my problem is solved.

Like a giddy school girl.

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