
neon green suit, brightest color combos?

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About to order new suits, an S3 and a couple Prodigies in demo orange...
Wondering about color for the S3.
I think I want to go with neon green and white but haven't seen any actual samples of the color itself.
Anyone out there got pics of a Birdman suit with neon green, white or both on it? I'm hoping the real thing turns out to be like superfluorescent knock your eyes out neon green, colors are so variable it'd suck to discover I ordered a dull suit by mistake.
Or, seeking further inspiration, just post your pics of really bright suits... I've been flying Royal Blue and basic Black for years now and it just seems somewhat uncolorful, a bit drab. I want my next suit to set things on fire just by mere proximity to colors that intense. Help me out, here.
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Nope, that is not Michelle.
That's a green and red Skyflyer 3,
older guy, short, red hair / mustache.
Can't remember his name....

I've got all I need, Jesus and gravity. Dolly Parton


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if you can hang on until tomorrow i'll dig out my colour swatch book and let you know. I'd do it now, but it's late and i'm lazy. Sorry!
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I'm the guy directly in front of Larry with the helmetcam, the red and white one in front of me was Medusa...(thats MY slot, you....mohawk! :P) Bummer the underlighting doesn't show colors much, but its a kickass image.
I saw 'Becca's suit, and would pirate her color combo if it wasn't already taken. Beautiful color scheme.
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no that isn't red. it's watermelon color
Isn't michelle Todd's g/f?

Michelle's V1 is neon green with magenta accents (similar to watermelon) - I haven't got a photo of the V1 to post, but her GTI is nearly the same colors (attached).

By the way, Michelle is my wife; we just don't wear rings while jumping.
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Discotec Rodriguez

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