
CRW FlyBy Video

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Me flybying a 2 way CRW formation in Thiene (Vicenza, Italy) using Phoenix-Fly V-1.

Everything was planned
with the CRW pilots,
with the planes pilot
and the DZ owner.

CRW Exit 2500 mt,
WS Exit 2700 mt (1 min after and 1 km away),
FlyBy alt: 1500 mt
Deploy canopy alt: 1000 mt

The video is between 1600 mt and 1400 mt

Have a look to the ratio !! ;)

next time we will equipt of a camera the CRW formation and of a smoke can on me...;)

VIDEO: http://www.parlacadutismo.com/commenti.php?id=275&title=Vampire%20Vs%20canopy
Marco "Pazzo" Pistolesi

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Thanks to everyone, Jarno, tnx also for the working link, i've just fixed mine :P

UncleC. : aren't you supposed to be flocking in Moscow ? shut down your computer and put your name and Fabrizio's at the manifest ! :D:ph34r:
Marco "Pazzo" Pistolesi

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Also on skydivingmovies.com (no need to upload video twice, Dave is in the States and I'm in Europe, we both work and skydive so stuff doesn't necessarily get approved immediately!)

but I think my footage is better! :P

You can see the difference in forward speeds, and as I said in my post I wasn't flying the suit very well and was almost stalled out, but then I think slow flight past open canopies is a good thing, giving more time, room and better footage.
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Sorry for the double upload (i uploaded 3 times actually, 1st in the wrong section - base, 2nd the upload stopped due to a connection error and 3rd, the right upload in the right place...)

about the video and flyby quality, this is our first experiment about it, we are going to make more and improve. next time will be better / slower / nicer ! :P (and maybe more than 1 WS)
Marco "Pazzo" Pistolesi

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CRW Exit 2500 m,
WS Exit 2700 m (60 s after and 1000 m away),
FlyBy alt: 1500 m
Deploy canopy alt: 1000 m

The video is between 1600 m and 1400 m

does it make you feel better ? if Yes I'm really happy for your feeling ! B| (hey man, don't worry, i'm joking)
Marco "Pazzo" Pistolesi

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Sorry for the double upload (i uploaded 3 times actually, 1st in the wrong section - base, 2nd the upload stopped due to a connection error and 3rd, the right upload in the right place...)

No problem Marco. No need to re-upload if you assign it to the wrong area. That is only a suggestion on the form, and we set where we think it goes best when we approve it, but no big deal with a small file like yours.


about the video and flyby quality, this is our first experiment about it, we are going to make more and improve. next time will be better / slower / nicer ! (and maybe more than 1 WS)

I'm sure I don't need to say, but be careful, especially with more than 1 wingsuit! Also, if you can, try flying with bigger formations as they fall faster giving you more range.
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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I'm sure I don't need to say, but be careful, especially with more than 1 wingsuit! Also, if you can, try flying with bigger formations as they fall faster giving you more range.

We have been really carefull this time also, we tried a lot of time on the ground and had briefing for at last one hour also with the plane pilot (who was flying 700/1000 m over us to look)

We are going to make things by steps, this is the way I planned to reach my target:

1st step (this one) 2 crw and 1 WS
2nd step 4 crw and 1 WS
3rd step 4 crw + video and 1 WS
4th step 2 crw and 2 WS
5th step 4 crw + video and 2 WS
6th step 4 crw + video with smoke, 2 WS with smoke, ground camera and aircraft camera.

then there will be the next video uploaded (1 time only :ph34r:)

all WS pilots and CRW pilots are expert ones (but we already know that even if you are expert you are not an Highlander and our show WANTS to go on :P ! so we will be very very carefoul !)
Marco "Pazzo" Pistolesi

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