
AN 72 boogie interest

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As far as I know at this time (January), I am the only one of the Texas BoyZ that has interest in participating across the pond. I think it is a novel opportunity to meet some Euro-Flyers I see posting here a lot.

Actually, I think we're all interested in it, but the "bang for the buck" just doesn't seem high enough.

Like a giddy school girl.

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In fairness, they do have more travel expenses, suffer from adverse exchange rates, and they're used to lower jump prices than we are.

Still, it's a very nice boogie folks!

Indeed... considering you pay $60 US in Perris to jump out of their jet, and in Cochstedt you get to jump out of a bigger jet, with a bigger door (3 wingsuiters abreast can exit at once), and it only costs 27 Euros. The DZ is the airport, which is frikkin' huge. It's an unbelievable experience. Like I say to many people, if you are only going to go to one boogie in 2007, make it the Cochstedt AN-72 boogie.
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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As far as I know at this time (January), I am the only one of the Texas BoyZ that has interest in participating across the pond.

Let me rephrase what Bob said:

I am the only one with the cash flow to pull that off!!

The pimp hand is powdered up ... say something stupid

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Latest update from Condor Airlines: I am waiting for a clarification on a few things but as of right now it looks like the round trip fare from Orlando to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Berlin will cost approx. $1166.00USD(taxes included). Just doing a quick search I was able to find fares about $65-75 cheaper but they were all 5am type flights which would require you to travel the day prior on a red eye to make it in time for the International flight.

What I need now is for people who are seriously interested in doing this to either e-mail or PM me so I can begin compiling a list of names. Once Condor gets back to me I will have a better idea about what time the flight departs the USA and other flight info. For planning purposes,the date of departure used is July 1st with a return on 9July for approx 30 people.

I need all interested parties to contact me no later than 26 Jan. Also be prepared to pay for your flight through Condor once I have the compiled list done. If not enough people contact me, the rate above may change in which case it might not be economical to go this route.

I will post further information as I receive it.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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What are the dates of the Boggie?

2 june 2007 till 8 june 2007


Where is it located?

On the airport of Cochstedt near Maagdenburg in Germany


Is there an english website with boogie information?


All of this could be found with a simple search

If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes???
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Oeps sorry mike.I am so confused.
According to the calender of Birdman.com it's:

Date:2007-07-03 to 2007-07-08
Location: Cochstedt,Germany
Contact Name: Rolf Brombach
Email: rolf.brombach@freenet.de
Web Site: www.mdskydive.de
Tel: +49 171 344 7881
it's Record-time again!!

Me so bad. Come to Cochstedt and i will buy you a beer;)
If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes???
My logbook

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What are the dates of the boogie?
Where is it located?
Is there an english website with boogie information?

Well, I would say the most comprehensive source of information on the AN72 boogie is the FAQ that Scott posted a couple days ago:

AN-72 boogie FAQ
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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For those of you have confirmed with me already, I will put out a list after the 26th with everyone who is going so you can coordinate amongst yourselves on sharing rental vehicle costs and or other expenses.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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For those who have already e-mailed me and those still waiting. I have some updated info on the travel. Due to Condors flight schedule and the boogie dates, the departure date has to be moved to June 29th with the same return date of 9 July. This will give you an extra few days to adjust to the time change before the boogie starts. It also means a couple dollars less in the price. The adjusted price ,including taxes comes to $1161.00 USD. Travel times are as follows:

Departure on 29 june from Orlando is 3:55pm arrive in Frakfurt 07:00am(nextday)
Frankfurt to Berlin depart 9:05am arrive in Ber 10:10am (30 June)

Departure from Berlin on Jul 09th 06:10am arrive in Frankfurt 7:15am
Frankfurt to Orlando depart 10:00am arrive in Orlando 2:25pm same day.

In order to secure the stated price, I will need those who are going to make payment in the next day as the airline has told me the prices will be going up in a few days. If you have any questions please e-mail or PM me.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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