
Flock ‘n Dock 3.0 Z-Hills Mar30-Apr1

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Wah-Fucking-Hoo! What a GREAT time! We did some amazing stuff and no one was hurt (except for Perry’s boo-boo).

I didn’t organize every flock, so I can only give you details on the one’s I did. Chuck Blue sure did his share and Rob Jones (Morpheus) was in there as well. We even pressed Robi Pecnic into organizing a couple when things got tight!

Quite a number of folks arrived early, with Wednesday’s flocks really starting things off.

By Thursday we were warming up with 11-way wedge piece-moves (cameraman plus two side by side 5-way wedges, halfway through one of the wedges flies behind the other) and a nice 22-way flock dive.

Friday morning was foggy until near noon and we put up a nice 11-way flock followed by a 16-way wedge piece-move. This dive provided us with one of the coolest video shots I’ve ever seen as the video guy (Matt) flew under the flock just before we entered some wispy clouds. The sun behind us illuminated the clouds and cast vertical shadows from the people as the clouds rocket past us .. amazing. We did another wedge piece-move dive at 21 people before we put up two two-Otter double-chevron dives (a V shaped flock right behind another V shaped flock). The first dive had 34 people and the second had 35. These dives worked very well and proved that the idea of the double-chevron works very well. On the last dive we tried a 12 way human-zipper (where two spread out 6-way lines fly one on top of the other. The top line then flies through the lower line) but we never quite got to the zipping part.

Saturday started out early. We warmed up with a 20-way combination vertical/horizontal flock, followed by a 20-way flying vagina dive (a vertical diamond without the center). 3 flyers acted as penetrators and flew through the opening. Unfortunately the top of the diamond was pretty ragged on this dive. Next we did a 20 way variation on the wedge piece-moves dive. 2 3-way wedges were on either side and 1 3-way wedge was above a 9 way wedge. On cue the wedges on the sides docked with the tails of the 9-way wedge while the top wedge flew down on top of the 9-way wedge. Finally it was time for the big-ways. 2 dives were made, each with 48 total people and 3 airplanes. The base 8 and nearby flyers were in the lead aircraft, the right side of the double-chevron in the center and the left side in the trail. The exit speed was a little high and the center airplane was caught unawares as we exited, but the first dive probably went the very best. We went right back up and did the same dive again, but it was a little looser. I’d like to note that on both dives there was no zooming around, nor were there any issues at breakoff (5000’).

I should note that Mike Swearingen made his 1000th wingsuit jump on the first big-way. Everyone waited to give him his well-deserved reward until the evening … which was eggs, birdseed, feathers and quite a few pies. Some very helpful people even tried to assist Mike’s cleaning efforts by spraying him with a hose as he was showering!

Lots of great prizes were awarded Saturday night, culminating in a brand new Phoenix-Fly wingsuit! Paul Luter received 30% off a Aerodyne canopy and promptly handed it to Chuck so that the next up-and-coming young wingsuiter that needs a docile canopy can get one!

First thing Sunday a high altitude load went up taking a couple of wingsuiters. Lurch looked pretty tired but very happy that he finally broke the 4 minute mark with 205 seconds from 23,000’

We put up a 20-way inverted T dive where a line is accompanied by a vertical stack over the base. I was the in-air referee for the next dive … the 1st Annual Z-Flock Distance Challenge … 14 people put down their $20 each to compete against the best. I spotted, putting out people 3 seconds apart in 2 groups of seven over a line perpendicular to the flight direction. They were to start their pull sequence by 3000’. Five people ( Robi Pecnic, Jeff Nebelkopf, Tero Paukku, Ted Cheslek and Mike Swearingen) made it to the designated finish line (going past this finish line would have put them in the swamp), so those people went back for a second round. On the second round I put them out 4 miles downwind from the peas. In a very close race, Jeff edged out Robi at the very end. Shortly afterwards, Jeff positively beamed as he was presented a bouquet of flowers and the cash. ;)

Following that we put up a 13-way vertical diamond (with stingers) and a 9-way diamond that was picture perfect.

Jeff Nebelkopf and Tony Uragallo also put up a 9-way all Mach 1 dive.

I have got to thank EVERYONE for coming to the event. It’s you people … your skill, your safe attitudes, your willingness to try the untried .. that make something like this possible. YOU ROCK!

With only 2 exceptions I can think of, every wingsuit manufacturer was represented. Not to mention that we had the manufacturers for Phoenix-Fly (Robi), Tony Suits (Tony, Jeff) and EG (Nick) actually present. We may fly different suits and there is a competitive nature to business, but this really is a community of wingsuiters!

We had Norm Kent with us (I had to convince him to take the camera off and play with us), Veggie Reggie from Kamloops, Lurch and Ed Pawlowski from the NW, Ted and Bob from Texas … and too many other to list here.

Many thanks to Rob and Kathy from Morpheus for putting it all together! Let’s do it again!

Thanks too to Matt Hoover for keeping the camera guys safe … Scotty HD Burns, Avery Badenhof, Scary Perry, Norm Kent … did I miss anyone?

Speaking of Norm Kent ... he walks up to me while I’m standing next to Scott and Chris Gray. Norm asks if he can take some pictures and I say (jokingly of course), “No, I don’t think so”. You should have seen the look on Scott and Chris’ faces! Priceless.

Finally I have to mention the Skydive City folks … we are NOT the red-headed step-children at the DZ. TK has provided us with a clubhouse that’s now FULL of demo wingsuits, a video monitor, chairs, beer fridge. The pilots will fly exactly the path we ask them to. The manifest folks assist us constantly … I walk up to the window and say “I need 18 slots in about 30 minutes” She says “ Load 25 in 32 minutes, okay?” Then I go gather all the tickets for her. Sweet!

Janine's food kept us going .. Italian night was good, but Latin night was great!

The packers I’ve saved until last. You hope for no malfunctions and no spinners, and you certainly get that from Kahn and the Nylon City crew. But better than that, they told me specifically that any rig with a wingsuit on it would be grabbed first from the pile! I don’t think any wingsuiter missed a load because their rig wasn’t packed!

So everyone, thanks again! I can’t wait until the next time!


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Great succes! Hi five!

Thank you everybody for amazin weeks there in Florida. Me and Leila just came home after 27 hours of travel. First (of course) we went in sauna and relaxed.

Z-Flock was exeptionally great boogie: Amazing jumps and great flyers and big parties. Leila made her first flights and great succes in big formations.

Special thanks for Chuck Blue and Scott Bland for organizing and all flyers for great flights and safe landings.

Tero & Leila
- No mercy in the flock! Straighten your legs!!! -

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Thanks for everything guys! I had a great weekend.

I had more fun than I've had in a really long time and I learned a lot flying with you guys.

I even got my EG Wingsuit Instructor rating and took up my first student (who totally fucking ROCKED by the way, nice job Pete!)B|.

I'm hoping to make another trip down that way as soon as my new Rigor Mortis shows up in about 4 weeks (Thanks Nick!). I'll bring my case of beer then.

Thanks again!

EGI 101;)

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Speaking of Norm Kent ... he walks up to me while I’m standing next to Scott and Chris Gray. Norm asks if he can take some pictures and I say (jokingly of course), “No, I don’t think so”. You should have seen the look on Scott and Chris’ faces! Priceless.


HAHA...I was thinking who the hell do you think you are telling Norman Kent not to take pictures...but I knew you were kidding.

Anyway, thanks so much Scott, the Z-Flock, Robi, Morpheus, Nylon City, and Z-Hills for a kick ass event. I hope you guys like having me around because I am damn sure coming back soon!!!

See ya at F&D 3.5 this fall.

WSI-6 / PFI-55
The Brothers Gray Wingsuit Academy

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Ok. These days I try to avoid long winded posts, but for this event I'll make an exception.
I'd try to sum it all up somehow but I don't know where to begin. I'm beat up, my face looks like hamburger from too much sun, I'm sore in places I didn't know I HAD places, flew harder better and faster than I ever have, and somehow made it home alive with more energy than I left with.
Skydive City is pretty much my definition of paradise.
I'll second that thanks to Nylon City, you guys did some awesome work, absolutely no gear fear with you guys on the job. Thank You!
I'd also like to say thanks to Chuck, Scott, and the entire wingsuit army for the warm welcome and awesome flocks. I got to do more, different stuff than ever, and got to fly pretty much every possible slot from front to top to edges.
Also like to give a shout to...
Larry for the serious base flying skills and that incredible kneelfly jack move that completed the front ranks in that earlier formation- Never saw anyone fly like that before and with that level of sheer precision. Jaw-dropping to witness.
Veggie Reggie for managing to stay on my tail through some outrageous maneuvers and for just being himself-you're a rare one, man. Fireflies rule.
Justin-Unlimited pride, man. Never saw anyone go that far in the sport, that fast.
Steve-Wouldn't have been right if you hadn't been there, man.
Avery-Lodi....I'll give it some thought. Glad you made it.
Pete- If I'm flying half as badass when I'm in my sixties I'll consider it good. Warm welcome, a slot in our flock and a place of honor by our fire await you if you ever make it up north to hang out with us yankees.
Jeff-For completely resetting the bar for wingsuit performance. Now I have new limits to try to match. I'll try to get you that footage you wanted.
Ed P: I'm still embarassed about that burble, man.
Robibird- Thanks for the flight tips, was an honor to fly with you. Hope to see you at an exit on a big wall someday.
Perry-Do I really need to say anything?
PackingRyan- For reminding me why I came. Again.
Joni-You got more raw courage than any self labeled tough guy I've ever met. Fly with you anytime.
Purple Mike: Congratulations man, hows the birdseed taste?
James-I'm going to be laughing about cheesy peas for weeks. I owe you a tape and a cup of tea.
Bob... how the hell did you get a wingsuit up to 212 MPH? I couldn't do that if I had an anvil stapled to my forehead.
Janine, aka "bitch-in-the-box"... missed my shot at Muff Brotherhood, but thanks for the food. Next time.
I'm sure I'm forgetting a bunch of people I wanted to say hi to, but I'm down with a vicious bug I picked up somewhere and I'm too tired to think.
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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Bob... how the hell did you get a wingsuit up to 212 MPH? I couldn't do that if I had an anvil stapled to my forehead.

Yeah, surprised me too. Next to last out, get oriented, then fold back the wings and go head down to catch the flock, level out and float in.

You saw it, Neptune said:
12K: 76 mph
9K: 212 mph
6K: 80 mph
3K: 58 mph

I'll get it into ParaLog and check out the dive track soon.


Old Guys Rock!

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ok - now it's my turn to say thanks to everyone (this sounds like a grammy acceptance speech - perhaps i should cry and thank my parents and grandmother :P )

To Chuck / Scott and all the organisers - THANKS for an awesome time ...

To the Packers at Nylon City - You guys rock - thanks for some the sweet openings ....

To Leila, The South african guy from the uk and all the new birds ... WELCOME TO THE FLOCK :)
To Larry / Lurch / Tero / Ed P / Sato / Brothers Gray / Justin / Veggie Reggie / Avery / Pete / Bob / Jeff / Katie / Professor / The 111 / Gray Mike / Purple Mike and all the other flockers - Thanks for the wonderful flights and see you in the skies sometime soon !!!

All i have to do now is deal with the post Flock and Dock blues ...


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I would like to thank every one that showed up for flock n dock 3.0, this event would not be a success with out you. This year their were very noticeable improvements in everyones skill level as well as alot of new pilots. It was an honor to jump with Robbi and I look forward to jumping with him again in the near future. Scott Bland, sorry for the burble I wont let it happen again, your expression was priceless:o.............. well maybe I'll do it one more time. Flock n dock 3.5 is going to be sweet.:ph34r:

"given the difference in body size of Jeff and Rob....Rob kicked much ass if he was that close...Jeff is a lightweight!"

I've got to say it Mark, your a "Prick of misery"!>:(

Also Robbi was flying a prototype and I was flying a production Mach 1. We were also flying for distance which is all Robbi does, I do not have any cliff walls to measure distance so that was new for me and the extra 2 inches Robbi has on me helped him out as well. Despite all of that the Mach 1 was still able to fly farther than Robbi's V proto as well as having more lift, even on its back. :)
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Hey Z-Flock ..... any of you going to various boogies or events this year???? excluding Flock n Dock 3.5 which every WS pilot should show up for.
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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Scott - Short of someone establishing guidelines and rules for claiming unofficial formation records, there is likely more than enough photo and video evidence of a US Record from Flock N Dock 3.0.

We need to start some where.

We had two jumps with 3 planes, one was a 46 way and the other a 48 way.

Might suggest taking the widest angle photo from the two with the most birds and claim a US Non-slot Specific Record.

If someone can bring forward evidence of a larger flock, more power to them and it will give us something to shoot for in the fall or next spring.

Perhap Robi, Scott C., Fly Like Brink, or Top Gun guys can give some info on what the World Record might be. I know they are going to attempt to set a World Record in Germany this year, Scott is one of the organizers.
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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Perhap Robi, Scott C., Fly Like Brink, or Top Gun guys can give some info on what the World Record might be. I know they are going to attempt to set a World Record in Germany this year, Scott is one of the organizers.

I think close to 42 (out of the +- 48 who exited) people in the same place in the air (with roughly 30 or so actualy flying within 5 meters about where they need be) is the current 'record'

But most people coming to Cochstedt this year dont seem to care about the biggest exit 'record' that much. Flying the biggest slotted formation, everyone in his place, is going to be most peoples focus for this year.

I think the slotperfect (US, Z flock) 9 way diamond, and (EU, Herc boogie 2004) 14 way V formation that have been flown so far should count as the ONLY true records. And we should work our way up from that.

Slotted, clean and evenly spaced formations with people skilled enough to fly them..

Though its fun to talk and laugh with people about their experiences on having been on 48 way (US) and 69 way (EU) exits, while they cant even fly to another person on a 2 way, its not really the proper and safe way fo working towards 'records'

I think something in the 25+ flyers range, a slotted and clean formation should be and would be the the next true bigway record..
I'm an Athlete?

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I like the approach. We perhaps will find as wingsuit flying continues to increase that, as inferred, different pilots may have different things that are important.

I like the slot specific approach as it drives us to improve skills and advance the sport. If we are to push this forward and barrow from other areas of skydiving, the formation would need to be pre-determined, all flyers within their specific slot, and held for a period of time.

For others there still might be room for non-slot specific flocking records. Suggest this would be more strict than just how many birds exited the aircraft, but rather how many actually got into the flock.

Lacking a formal organization (e.g. USPA, POPS, others) that would certify the records, photographic evidence is likely the way to go. I am always a fan of not reinventing and using what we have, no reason why the Dropzone.com Wingsuit forum could not be the means to declare a record. Photos must be included.

This is a natural process of maturing our sport. Best to start with something simple with wide appeal that can be successful and evolve over time.

In addition, we likely can take some lessons learned from the European Birdman Tour on how to address time and distance records. One option is to tag onto the Tracking Derby web-site using GPS and the guidelines they have established.
WSI-5 / PFI-51 / EGI-112 / S-Fly
The Brothers Gray Wing Suit Academy
Contact us for first flight and basic flocking courses at your DZ or boogie.

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