
Cochstedt 06 Video - Aussie Style!!! Ya? Fook YA!

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Yihaa!!! Its finally here and online!!

Here's the link to my footage from Cochstedt 06 - Aussie Style, an editor friend of mine Marty did a bang up job and I think you'll agree, please post, Id love to read what you think.


(For some reason you'll have to highlight it, it wont link automatically - can any of you Computer boffins help here??)

You'll see my massive flatspin at the start, what a ball tearer!!

Also you'll see the amazing closing speed of the GS1, (remember Im wearing the camera) for those who still say its a slow suit ...haha!

Literally its the best flying Ive ever done with the greatest bunch of bastards on the planet, specially all you pommies!! (dont you dare mention the cricket!) and the germans, fins, americans, canadians, swiss, dutchies!!!, french, italians, russians, and the gorgeous checs, sweds, spanish and all the rest, you know who you r, Cant wait to get back there...

Been workin my arse of to make sure you've got at least one member from the southern hemisphere there. If anyones' got some cheap accomodation, caravan or a wicked tent let me know, (you think its expensive from the US!!!!)

Honestly I cant wait to see all you nutbags again and god the dream of flying in over 30 ways again, well it tickles me in certains spots...

Take care and see you up there

Rocket Rod

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The Southern Hemisphere Colonies will be well represented.

There are at least 10 South Africans booked to go play in Schaffen for a little warm up and then Cochstedt.

Join us, safety in numbers.........

If you don't have wings you will never fly

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It brings back memories.But you left out the evening entertainmentB|.

Cool video

looking forward to seeing you again in Germany for even bigger and better flights

If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes???
My logbook

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