
monkey fist & pc

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I've had the "finger through the handle" malfunction. It happened to me pitching at 3 seconds from about 700'. It took me approximately one eternity and a lifetime to get my finger out of the handle and the PC deployed.

I used the "tape it up" remedy for a while.

Thoughts on tape:

1) Use first aid tape (the cloth kind). It's grippy, and designed to be low-residue.
2) If the tape starts peeling off and leaving sticky residue, buy a new PC (preferably one with a different handle style). Dealing with the gunk on the handle (which can stick the fabric of the PC together) isn't worth the cost of a new PC (or your life).

At this point all of my PC's have either no handles or floating handles.

I also see no compelling reason to use any kind of handle on a subterminal BASE jump.
-- Tom Aiello


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It's one of them. There are various vent configurations available.

The pictured PC is 32" A/V series PC manufactured by Asylum Designs.
-- Tom Aiello


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On deployment yesterday evening I had my hacky go around the pilot chute, tie itself into a knot then go up inside the hole in the bottom of the pilot chute, CUTAWAY, so..............maybe there is food for thought ref it being a problem with hackys being heavier than the pilot chute,
I wonder if Im pulling my wings in after I throw my hacky cos this is the second time in 20 jumps or so.
is my "burble" causing this, will a lighter "handle" be better I wonder, its a nasty high speed mal and Im a bit fed up, I heard that Scott Bland had the same mal a while back.

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I used a monkeyfist but last year i had to use my reserve after a jump where the pilotchute got knots on it.

The picture included shows one of the two knots. The other knot tied the fabric of the pc together so it didn't have any pull what so ever.

Now I use a "training" golfball as handle instead. It is light but yet easy to grip... and easy to attach. http://thumb.shutterstock.com/photos4/display_pic_with_logo/58555/58555,1146853530,5.jpg


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well the problem with that pic too is that there is too much space between the PC and the hacky. It needs to be tighter.

The way hackey's are designed...the space will increase between the hacky handle and the PC with time.

It is not like the tape is stitched on both sides like with a plastic tube handle.


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The way hackey's are designed...the space will increase between the hacky handle and the PC with time.

sure... and kill-lines can shrink, closing loops stretch, etc. All part of gear maintenance.

No it has got nothing to do with maintenance...the space increases and the hacky is still a functioning system for several hundred jumps after that. This is inherent to way hackey handles are implemented.


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No it has got nothing to do with maintenance...the space increases and the hacky is still a functioning system for several hundred jumps after that. This is inherent to way hackey handles are implemented.

i'm not going to debate on this. each to their own.
It is managable/avoidable if you take care of it before it gets too stretched out - all assuming you pay attention to it. most likey if it does happen it is an easy fix if it doesn't get the main out.

closing loops starting to fray or even slightly long loops, among other things, are still 'functioning systems' and can work for 50-100+ jumps before you start having issues..

aren't older used BASE PC's still 'functioning systems'? I'd just choose to replace mine sooner than later. it's all due to the outcome of if it doesnt work.


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i'm not going to debate on this. each to their own.
It is managable/avoidable if you take care of it before it gets too stretched out - all assuming you pay attention to it.

Dude...I am saying that the PC with a hackey that hangs loose at the apex is a properly functioning system(not in the same way as the examples you have given) and probably the most used skydiving PC system.

When the PC is new the hackey handle is quite snug on the apex of the PC. But with 50 or so jumps it starts to hang loose.

My point is that it is not avoidable....and if everyone started replacing/maintaining hackey handle PCs at 50 jumps... I'd give up my job and start making/maintaining PCs with hackey handles. :P


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I wasn't me that had the mal, it was Jen from TX. When I saw her pilot chute with the hackey inside the hole at the bottom I switched to a PVC handle. I just don't need that kind of surprise.

Mine has no possiblity of a snag since it's sewn end to end as well as through the middle. That way it'll always stay in place. The single connection way that most hackeys are attached to the PC apex is the real danger point.

To prevent the finger in the tube issue I rolled up some foam, sprayed it with hair spray and pushed it in the there. It's stayed in place for a hundred plus jumps.

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For those of you who missed it at Flock-N-Dock 1, here it is again!

BTW, I'm still jumping this pc 400 jumps later with no more problems or cutaways...:S

Technical info: RWS 32" zp 9' bridle, lightweight monkeyfist (built around pingpong ball), less than 10 jumps at time of mal, lazy throw in a GTi :o

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I'm ready to sew two 3" square pieces of cordura to the top of my pilot chute. seem's like i could grab that sticking out of the pouch.

it would be such a smooth surface ref "line" overs/wraps of whatever the fook is happening here, also the hole in the bottom of the PC needs to be smaller.

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