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I've heard that a lot. I must be weird I've never had the bounce dream. I've had the fly my body dream a lot but the scariest thing that happens is I go so fast I escape orbit, can't breath and wake up. True!
KrisFlyZ 0
I am waiting for the delivery of my own new suit looking forward to fly a big suit again

In my opinion (and yes, just like assholes, we all have one), i think its not a bad idea to get a bit of experience on smaller suits, where the risks of potential problems are reduced, before going out and ordering the highest performance suit you can find.
I think everyone should make informed choices about gear. I was just trying to provide some information.

Relax Zeeman yours is not the first "death basket" reply we've ever heard here. It won't be the last.
In fact I've got close friends that back in the early days did hundreds of WS solos for fear of collision. Who had a couple hundred on classics, before ever trying a bigger suit. There was so much to learn from flying with others. They waited for years for their flat spin of death to come and it never did.
I do not disagree with your message just the delivery of parts of it.
And for the record I completely agree with your second and third paragraphs.
mccordia 74
I'm an Athlete?
01Blade 0

QuoteLooks like a V2 will kill a blade or should I say the GAY BLADE. The only gayer name would be BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. Sorry to be so mean but I call them how I see them. Do those scallops come wrapped in bacon, cause scallops taste good. mmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys are way to serious
All right thats it I'm gonna sharpshoot your profile!!! Take them apples!
QuotePlease back away from the crack pipe, Glen. Not sure about where you jump, but the least experienced wingsuit instructor here has over 700 flights.
That is precisely why I recommend you guys by name in the get to the flocks post.
Oh and BTW I have over 900 flights none of which were below a 2.35 glide slope the entire time and I'm not even an instructor.
Actually, I don't think any of what you said has anything to do with the subject line. Pardon me for allowing myself to get sucked into this mindless tangent.
C. Blue, esq.
Buried 0
Quotezero extra skill required. Once the craft is away you open your wings and fly. Eh, safely.
dont agree with that. More wing comes with more responsibility and a different perception of control. I've seen people with 100+ jumps still have trouble getting out of a spin on large and medium suits. Stuff happens, especially on exit.
50 jump instructors do not really exist (in the US) as far as i know. yes, sure there were some a few yrs back, but since it was intergrated with marketing for whichever company [and the dicipline] so it made sense.
like much in skydiving, many things evolve quickly.. WS'n is no different. Many of us see a similar point a few more yrs down the line. it is just how we get there that differs.
you are seeing a similar comparion of wingsuits to people's first canopy.. and it should not be compared to the more agressive path (we all know the "i jump a 190 now, i'll be ready for the 132 when it arrives"). It should be "i jump a 190 now, il'l get a 170 for my first canopy". there is nothing wrong with that, it's the more smart thing to do.
Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?
with all things being equal, which suit will fly further and faster?
Oh pointy pointy
Anoint my head
Anointy nointy
The111 1
Quoteand with all that in mind
with all things being equal, which suit will fly further and faster?
Suits don't fly... people in suits do.

Oh pointy pointy
Anoint my head
Anointy nointy
Buried 0
as mentioned in the first 3 or so posts... no one knows any of this yet. The blade has only been flown by a few people that didn't test it against a vamp.
Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?
TomAiello 26
QuoteSuits don't fly... people in suits do.
You win the prize for the best answer to the endless, mindless questions about "which suit is best" that seem to cycle through this forum in a giant loop.
QuoteNo you aren't. You are now, and have always been, an "anti-instructor." You postitively seethe it.
You are reading your co-ordinates wrong soldier! I am not anti instructor per se. but I am totally anti fraud instructor. Big difference ! Back in the day we, you and me frickin all of us, knew who they were. Today things are better. Much better! This is the absolute gospel although I reserve the right to tease you. Mostly cuz I do like you and its funny and I will say you are not a fraud. You contribute. The frauds never did, not one of them.
Its not important that you don't believe me either.
Quoteno need to be snide with matt.
He could be snide with all of us, so far for his troubles in asking a question he has half a page of post that could be considered profile discrimination, a few realistic but off hand replies that don't help, a handfull of usable responses. Over two pages of thread drift and double topic hijacks with references to individuals and other treads going back years with huge differences of opinions.
I think he has got the right to be furious with all of us. Frankly I'm dissapointed. Did we all turn into speakers corner clones?
The111 1
QuoteI think he has got the right to be furious with all of us.
Everyone has the right to whatever emotion he wants. But when you expect spoon-fed "A or B" answers (that don't exist yet) to complex, subjective, arguably impossible questions... you will come up disappointed.
What's your answer then, since you seem to think the question is easily answered. Vampire, or Blade? Do I have the right to be furious if you don't know?
The reality is skydivers have a very short incubating period. We are not patient. We want things to happen at 30 frames pre second. A friend of mine just made a decision about buying or not buying a new suit that hasn't even been released yet, no press statement not even a picture. He has got 4 other suits, jeesh what is the rush on the 5th. These are trying times of the patience of a flocker with new designs coming out from Fly your body, Matter, Bird man and Pheonix! Come on Pheonix has two new suits ( sorry one new and one in developement at 30 frames per second) and a tracking suit new this year.
Is it any wonder I hit the crack pipe?
as far as the poster accusing me of being snide...well I just dont know what little stupid face to put at the end of the text to introduce some levity into it. I would, though, recomend that you cheer up some, my answer was only meant as a joke to the rather comical responce tht I got from your friend. I am also sorry that the VX has not been shipped to you yet.
Also I beleve it is possible to obtain a straight answer to my question as all wingsuits obey the same laws of physics and just because no one "really" has answered it so far it does not mean that that person does not exist.
Oh pointy pointy
Anoint my head
Anointy nointy
Zeemax 0
It's just too early for the information you asked for.
And also, once again, as these questions always end up getting to, you have to remember, it's not just the suit, it's the pilot!
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies
cpoxon 0
Quoteand with all that in mind
with all things being equal, which suit will fly further and faster?
How the hell do I know? I have not flown two properly-fitted suits in each model on the same day. For that matter, I don't believe anyone has at this point. Until a guy that has a Vampire2 goes and finds a brand-new, properly fitted Blade and makes a few jumps on it to get comfortable, nobody is going to know the answer to that question are they? As the Blade is a brand-new suit, that's going to be the way the comparison goes. If there is more than one Blade at Flock and Dock, then I guess we might have a see.
The factory is making blades at a mad pace, but at the moment its me being waay to nice, and letting people try my own suit..
One or two jumps sure..but no way Im parting with my baby for 'a couple of weeks'
Give it a month or two and the demo's will also be popping up at boogies/ws weekends.
Costyn is bound to do some GPS playtime for the fans of numbers in a short while, and Ill be rolling, diving and swooping all directions to get some good shots of the suit in action on its front, back and side and whatever orrientation..
if you're interested in trying/flying a blade in the UK, you'd have to mail/PM one of the UK topgun flyers (macca, mark, duncan, steve..) and ask them whats possible.
But for them its also their own suits untill demo's are available. Parting with their new toys for more then one or two jumps is probably asking a bit much atm
Do note that the entire team was selected on the size of their balls, so you may still have that problem with an empty bit of suit in the crotch area..
I'm an Athlete?
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