
Aerodynamics of low aspect ratio wings

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Some interesting stuff in the article. Especially, how conventional thinking that most wings stall around 20 degrees does not apply.


The high angle of attack stall of the low aspect-ratio wings has been known since the early days of aerodynamics. Handley-Page (1911) found that a squared wing (AR=1) stalled at angles above 40 degrees, while a moderately slender wing (AR=6.25) stalled at incidences as low as 10 degrees.


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so that would put the longer cord length at the body, less at the wrist for the slower stall speed?? the lower aspect ratio.
The "more range" angle of attack is better with a long parachute like an accuracy canopy is a longer cord so will have a long toggle range,

but the short cord at the wingtip will increase stall speed at the tips
a plane wants the wingtips to stall last so they raise the trailing edge of the wingtip in the design,

I wonder how efficient the laminar flow is, hence the "wing" effect,

French chap at Symposium said that "at their horizontal windtunnel testing facility in France, they found the laminar flow over the wingsuits they tested to be about 50% of the wing cord...that the "air" was coming around the leading edge of the arm and leaving the wing about in the middle of the cord length"

wonder how laminar flow changes the stall speed of a wing? to lift the leading edge of the wing on a wingsuit is to put the Burble almost on top of us, surely the laminar flow with this angle of attack is zero

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French chap at Symposium said that "at their horizontal windtunnel testing facility in France, they found the laminar flow over the wingsuits they tested to be about 50% of the wing cord...that the "air" was coming around the leading edge of the arm and leaving the wing about in the middle of the cord length"

Did he say at what angle of attack this was happening? That information will be quite useful. Also, you meant the flow was seperating at half the chord length of the armwing, right?

This will mean something significant. Also something quite obvious in regards to wrist position to get the best airflow over the wings.


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so that would put the longer cord length at the body, less at the wrist for the slower stall speed?? the lower aspect ratio.

No, I meant as in all the wingsuit flyers fall under the low aspect ratio category.

There is no need to make any effort to modify the wings. All of us have low aspect ratio because we are humans.


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