
Z-Flock Spin Off Thread "who needs a ride to/from Tampa airport"

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Posted in long Z-flock thread about rides. Basically I wanted to start a list of who needs a ride or can provide a ride from TPA to Z-hills?

I am looking at getting to TPA either Thurs or Fri at 8:30 am and leaving Sun eve at 5:00pm and if at all possible would like to avoid renting a car. I know that Veggie and The Tony had noted a similar arrival time and predicament..

So what s the scoop on possibilities... :P

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I'm arriving 10:30am Friday, fly out 6:30pm Sunday. I'm thinking of getting a car and might have one passenger already. Let me know if that works for some of y'all.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

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Been shopping around for a rental car and the rates are ridiculously preposterous, so will probably take a cab or call the DZ.
"The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. " -John Galt from Atlas Shrugged, 1957

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Been shopping around for a rental car and the rates are ridiculously preposterous, so will probably take a cab or call the DZ.

Yeah i saw that too. The odd thing is if i use my corp account it is the same as when i booked a car a mth ago. .. ~$200 dif for the week. :S. So i guess try using a corp account if you have one to see if the price drops a bit.

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