
Use of Neptune & Paralog in WS BASE

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I forgot to take the Neptune out of my helmet the other week, it made lots of annoying noises during the flight but out of curiosity I downloaded the data. The Neptune seemed to log the jump ok, screen shot is attached.

Obviously the freefall time is not really interesting in BASE (the days of the minute men and 2 minutes men are passed) but it is still interesting to see the fall rate changes on exit to steady flight and at deployment.

Has anyone else got experience using Neptunes in BASE?

I'll jump with mine again but next time I'll turn the alarms off!! :P


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I did a couple with my ProTrack in my pocket, to record my opening altitude and calculate glide. Our respective profiles tell me alot about my flights. And this was the best one!


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Good grief, James! You have a sustained speed under 35mph! In a stiff wind you'd blow away!

What's a big deal? It's pretty standard for a good pilot, and has been for the last 4 years - at least in BASE world ;) Uncle, you rule!



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For someone who weighs in the low 100's (lbs) range I'll agree with you. For those of us who do not, a sustained 35 mph vertical speed would require an open parachute.

Low 100s? James, Robi, JN or i are all 150+ lb.

Ah, got sucked into a silly vertical speed subject again... :P It's the glide that matters, and weight is irrelevant for L/D ;)



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Glide means somethng to YOU guys. Get that straight, brother.:ph34r: You can glide really far as fast as you like, but when you dump (on a skydive) and I am still high enough over your head to turn around 180 degrees and buzz you under canopy (while giggling) in my wingsuit you may wish to reconsider. Actually, that doesn't work either, because YuriBase still says the same stuff after being schooled here at Z-hills by me and my "stallflying".

I really wish someone my size would come here to flock and dock and show any of us up to the degree which they spout here on the internet.


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I really wish someone my size would come here to flock and dock and show any of us up to the degree which they spout here on the internet.

Id gladly come by to show you Im just as sick and mentaly unstable in real life as I am on the internet:)
And floaty stall-flying outflying 'fast L/D performance flyers'..seen that happen more then once..
For the top flyers it probably holds true, but for quite a few wingsuitin' base jumpers who show up flocking, its nothing more then an excuse for their bad performance..:P;)
I'm an Athlete?

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I really wish someone my size would come here to flock and dock and show any of us up to the degree which they spout here on the internet.


Did you not fly against Darren and by your own admission get 'smoked' ? You can probably tell us how you two compare physically. But if your height is nearly the same then you must suck(no offense) to be beaten by him. He is undoubtedly the heavier and stockier of you two.

Yuri(not YuriBase), according to Darren is of similar physical build as him. Maybe you guys will have an opportunity to fly together.


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You can glide really far as fast as you like, but when you dump (on a skydive) and I am still high enough over your head to turn around 180 degrees and buzz you under canopy (while giggling) in my wingsuit you may wish to reconsider.

Chuck, could you please translate this into plain English, or at least into plain math? Leaving glide aside, does this mean that your average vertical for the entire flight, that simple 2-digit number on Neptune, is less than 35mph? If it is not, what you describe would be rather impossible to do ;)

Now, if you wish to get back on a technical track... Your mileage may vary, but for me the points of min sink and max glide are very close. I know they are further apart for many others.



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For someone who weighs in the low 100's (lbs) range I'll agree with you. For those of us who do not, a sustained 35 mph vertical speed would require an open parachute.

Low 100s? James, Robi, JN or i are all 150+ lb.

Ah, got sucked into a silly vertical speed subject again... :P It's the glide that matters, and weight is irrelevant for L/D ;)



Just step on the scale , my god!!! I am 178 lb :S damn winter! Kiding, I am between 175-180 for last ten years :)
Robert Pecnik

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Guys luckily this is just open thread about some WS stuff. We all talk what we want and that is great.
I feel that discussion about what to do and what is more important went bit in to dead end.

I think that some of the people may think that I am the BASE jumper who push the performance against flocking or something like this... I wanna be clear here, I am not pushing performance against flocking, I am emphasizing performance only.
Performance can be combined with flocking and as the result we have super great jump.

I am all for having great flocks and enjoy the group flying. What I do not like to see is the style were flockers has lower legs hidden behind the but while pushing arms down. That is falling - period.

To support my thought James just post those photos which show clearly that we enjoy flocking as well even though we are also BASE jumpers. I very often take time and flock from the plane or in BASE.

Also, on WS arena the weight playing the big role if the only data set is the vertical speed. This way the heavier guys may find them self frustrated. There is no reason to be like this. Lighter people in case of true comparison ( were vertical speed matters only ) should have proportionally smaller wing suits-right. As this is not the case, those guys can go and speak loud how good the out fly , let say heavier guys... big deal...

What is the future of WS?! To fly further and longer-right?! This we can achieve by producing more lift and less drag - period. To make this , wingsuit need to flown properly. To learn how to fly WS properly, we need to understand what and how to do.

Simple. If we all go for the same goal, it is irrelevant what kind of jumps we do in between those were we explore our own best possible performance.

Flocking is great
Performance is great
Skydiving in general is great
Robert Pecnik

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