
8yr sabbatical, gear questions.

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Class B 60 jumps 8yrs ago. 160lbs 5.9
Are vector containers still the in?
My gear then was a Vector 2-2 w/ a Monarch 195. History of hard pulls. Had some back trouble after a really hard pull, would like some stats on pro packing or other methods that might not be as harsh.
What would be the requirments to get back into the sport, hop and pops or the entire training over? Reputable sites for used gear?

temet nosce,

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Quite a few people still jump Vector2s and I've seen more then a handful of Monarchs being jumped. If you have back problems, then you may not enjoy their "traditional" opens anymore...

As for pro-packing, there's a handful of threads about that with a ton of great advice, if you do a search, you'll definately find them.

Reputable sites for used gear? Have you checked the classifieds on this site? Its one of the best places on the net.

As for getting back into the sport, your best bet would be to call up your local DZ and see what they'd want you to do. The SIM lays out what should be done, but each DZ does stuff a bit differently.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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What would be the requirments to get back into the sport, hop and pops or the entire training over? Reputable sites for used gear?

My suggestion is to (sort of) start over in an AFF program. Sit through the ground course, do the harness training, then based on how you and your instructors feel, either a one or two JM "return" dive with a simple dive flow.

Eight years is a long time for somebody with a "B" license. Heck, it's a long time for anybody. You will have butterflys (I hope), so spend some time getting current on the ground and go easy.

Each DZ will have their own requirements so call around and don't necessarily choose the easiest or cheapest.

As for gear, Vectors are still in style, but they have been upgraded. Canopies are mostly made of ZP with very few F-111 parachutes in use these days. AAD's are very common on even the most experienced jumpers backs. Parachutes have become very elliptical, and some DZ's are even using ellipticals for first jump students. More DZ's have big airplanes and turbines.

Once you are in the air it will all feel normal again, and the changes will fade. Have fun.

Tom Buchanan
Author JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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