Phantom Question

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Simple question...

When threading the suit on to the rig, the manufacturer states to miss the third tab down on the body side, front and back. (it does give allowances for different fits too).

Is the very small tab counted as #1 when counting down?

Also, the way I was shown was to miss number three in the front, and number four in the back. I have a J3 container...

How do those of you with Javelins thread yours?

Thanks for the help!

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I jump a phantom with a J3 container. My buddy(also with a Phatom) and I were discussing this very issue the other day. We have found that skipping the 4th wing tab from the top makes for a clean fit. This Includes the little tab. When skipping the body tab, the cable was forced to bend and distort around the harness. We tried this with various tab combinations. With our containers, skipping the wing tab allows the cable to run straight up the wing/body line without bending or effecting the handle position. Let me know if you would like to see pics of this routing. As stated above though, harnesses and suits fit people differently, so you might need to play around with it. Good luck and happy flights.

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I have jumped my Phantom with many (like over 10) different rigs. With each one, I have to re-verify which tab to skip.

I do the following... I put on the rig and have another bird grab my rig by the BOC and push up (as if I was under a canopy) and inspect if there is any tension on the wingsuit from the container leg straps... You need a hair of extra room - as once you are under a real canopy the rig will be even higher.

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I very seriously doubt this is true tdog, since you only have like 9 wingsuit jumps. Or should I call you Flatspin?


ghost, you out there?

Ya... So why is it I have good video of you flying from my perspective, but you never found your slot to get video of me???? Could it be that I am a better WS pilot than you?:P

Anyway it is bad form for us to use these forums for our inside jokes...:P

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Is the very small tab counted as #1 when counting down?

Also, the way I was shown was to miss number three in the front, and number four in the back. I have a J3 container...

Try it, check it, adjust as needed.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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someone should ban both tdog and jumpnaked69. i wish i could be mod for a day.

seriously about the threading. put on the rig and make it look right, leaving a little extra room for you sinking down when under canopy. then memorize the location using whatever counting method your heart tells you. thats what i do, gosh.
word to your mother,
BASE 1117

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I appreciate the responses. I believe that I have it dialed in, but I also like to hear from those with more experience.

I learn a lot from what others do.

Now hopefully I can change my Indian name from "falls like brick", to "Soars like hawk"! :P

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