
belly to back transition??

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Hello fellow birds. Ive been working on my back-flying the past few weekends and have gotten comfortable on my back. last week i attempted, and successfully completed the transition where on your back to "pull a "half gainer/back-flip" to fly 180 degrees the other direction on your belly. My question is to tips on to do the opposite. How do you go about flying on your belly to do a "half front loop" and end up flying 180 degrees the other direction on your back. this maneuver is been a bit more challenging to me. any tips appreciated.

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That's just half an orbitron (or whatever the hell Omar calls it) if you turn it into a huge diving transition. You sound, though, like you want to just figure out how to snap over and immediately change directions. Have you done front flips in your suit yet? If not, then try those first. If you can do that then you ought to easilly be able to just half-flip forward then power out of it on your back in the opposite direction.


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