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Sounds like the new leg wing might need to be called Jedei leg wing being that it is airlocked. BTW loved all of my Jedei's
haha, I did call the new air inlets the Jedei because of the way they airlocked, they remind me of the way we used to bellyflop onto a still inflated Jedei,
I still inflate a lot of the legs I make with a leaf blower, my in house wind tunnel :)

Life is a series of wonderful opportunities,
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.


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Hey guys ,

I based the apache +-20 times now .

Made a few changes on the suit thow .
Butt it was the first prototype of the apache .

Ask Tony for base an armwing no longer ( @ the body ) then your wrists and put the leg pouch even with that measurement .
Works perfect for me in base and this way you have the maximum downwing you can have .

It flys verry stable , not much pressure on the arms .
Nice openings after pull in ful flight .
Easy to take grippers back after loosen them and no flapping .

Based it in Swiss , Spain and Italy .
I made the landing area @ brento 5 times with 1 over the road and a pull @ +- 200m alti .

And still getting better with it .
Was playing with it in severall body positions to get to now the best flights on al 5 jumps .
I know already that it has much lift and starts flying verry quick after the exit .

For more info mail me @ nico.base@telenet.be
Or i will reply to the posts sommetimes .
If i think about it offcourse . :-)

I realy like the suit beceause it is easy to change from 1 rig to another and easy to gear up aswell .
And the price is not bad for that big of a wingsuit to .

Video's and pics are comming soon .

C-ya all mates ,

Nico ( Belgium )

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hello nico,

congratulations on all you flights, i was there. how about all the other people that were there in the v2's how did they fly? ;) anyway why are you pushing this suit so much on the internet, like if you were employed by the manufacturer. in my opininon we can no longer measure good suits and jumpers at ITW. everyone flies to the road at a good alt, this has become a site specific phenomenon. ITW no longer distinguishes good ws jumpers from very good ws jumpers in term of distance. ITW is condusive to good flights because of the usualy very good conditions.
and i always have problems with comments about how quick a suit starts flying and the range of it and this shit about lift. these comments can not be quantified by just observations and solo jumps. a lot more jumps must be made with lot of different pilots, solos and ''base performance flocks''. flapping, well what can be said about flapping? dont do it, it's not nice! well the only plus that i saw with this suit is that it can easily be swithced from rig to rig quickly, good job.
i hope you dont take offence to my commnets but if you do, well enjoy.



p.s. base jumping sucks the big balls now because everyone is doing it, it is practically like walking.

canyon bar

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Hey Luka ,

This was my first post on the net about the apache .
Butt this is what i sort of expected to get back . Hihihi .
Jumping it now for +- a year already .

Ask the V2 pilots what they think about my apache flights then and about the 2 way i did with a V2 ? :-)
Knowing that i am not the best ws pilot there is with my +- 20 base jumps on it so far .
Maybe you can try the suit when we meet up again ?
No problems with that hombre .

What i can say is that Pf is an understanding in base for many years by now .
And i now they are good . I agree with that .
I have a prodigy myself with longer leg wing though . :-)

So i just posted what i think about the apache suit . That's all .
Not comparising with others , you know .

The next is for the more interested people .


Taped from top and pilots eyes are comming soon .
+ more pics and vids of other apache base jumps aswell .

C-ya soon mate ,


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I bought the first production apache, and it looks quite different from the one in the pictures.

I think you get that with every suit Tony makes...
They're old the moment you walk out the door, cause he's already upgrading/updating the look and performance for the next one he makes:P
I'm an Athlete?

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I love the thing. It flies wonderfully in flocks, docks, and slow speed. I have also been told by other flockers that when I put it full tilt for forward speed, that it is very fast. I know it is supposed to be a base suit, so I cant really shed much light on the subject, but i have launched it from a balloon (38 seconds ff from 5000' pitch @ 3000') and was told by the other wingsuiters in the basket that it looked to have performed quite nicely.

I have never really talked to anyone from Tonysuits other than Justin Shorb, but i seem to get the impression that the Apache isnt being looked into too much more. I could be totally wrong, but the gist of what I have been hearing, it seems they are looking more into modifying the mach 1 and shooting for the lowest possible vertical speed, while still functioning well as a flocking suit(I cant even list the number of different variations of the mach1 I have seen this since about april 2007). I hope I am wrong, as it is a great suit which has wings that are perfectly sized for people of my stature (about average height and weight). I am a bit skeptical as the only Apaches i have ever seen have been demo suits, and the general consensus seems to be that people would rather have the larger wing area of the Mach1 or one of its massive companions (SM1, SM2,etc..).

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That Apache was one of our demos that Tony unstitched the wing to see if the intro design worked on a bigger wing. it does but the production Apache will be attached to the body like the other wingsuits, unless I guess the customer requests it.

Justin Shorb
Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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That Apache was one of our demos that Tony unstitched the wing to see if the intro design worked on a bigger wing. it does but the production Apache will be attached to the body like the other wingsuits, unless I guess the customer requests it.

Justin Shorb

OT, are you still recommending partially unstitching the rear of the armwing from the body on the SM1 and later M1s.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Yes John you definately want to unstitch the backside of your arm wing if you havnt yet. It will feel much better. But what im talking about is the new intro suit. It is not sewn down at all. very cool design, so you can reach all the way to your toggles fully zipped. And the wing does not flap or push back. Its Brill

Justin Shorb
Wingsuit organizing, first flight courses and coaching
Flock University

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