
www.wingsuitcompetition.com (2 way + camera, artistic event)

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What: International Artistic Wingsuit Competition
Where: Belgium
When: March/April 2008

We're organising a big artistics event at the start of the season next year.
We already have 4 teams confirmed, and several teams (and teams yet to form) also enthousiatic about entering the contest.

All the details are on the website. And the excact location and date wil also be confirmed asap.

This wil be the cool date for your agenda, and nobody can claim they didnt hear about it in time;)

We want to try and get as many teams to this contest as possible.
Check out the website, and if you are into joining the fun. Please send an email to info@wingsuitcompetition.com so we can ad you and your team to the list.

If you're a solo flyer and you're looking for someone to join you and form a team, use the forum (this thread) to find other future teammates!
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Thanks to Hans (aka Gadget)'s intense emailing, asking and begging we now also have 3 neptunes and 3 sets of paralog software (inc. licence) to give away as a prize!

Added to this, FlyYourBody and Birdman have also granted their cooperation with the event, and will also be giving away prizes (to be added to the list soon)

We're making extra effort to have all the prizes available 3x, so people dont have to fight within the teams who gets to take it home..

Contest prizes

- 3x Alti-2 Neptune + 3x Paralog software plus full licence
- 3x Phoenix fly TShirt + DVD (FlyTheLine)
- 3x Phoenix fly T shirts
- 3x 50% off on pants + jacket freefly combo in team colours from Extreme Flywear

Raffle prizes:

- 50% discount on a TonySuit wingsuit

And we're really counting on a lot of you US flyboys to come and show us how its done ofcourse!B|

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We'll show you what this flying euro-trash brick team is capable off hehehe:P

Though Loic and the Soulflyers are looking into the dates for coming (depends on filming dates for other projects etc), and a certain James B is also looking for teammembers.

So it'll definitely be a real contest, and no milk runs for anyone..!

The new scoring system also means it will stay exciting till the very last round (read more about that on the website)

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and bird-man will sponsor...?

Birdman is also sponsoring with prizes.

And I just got an email from Cathy that FlyYourBody is also sponsoring with the following prizes.

- 3x FlyYourBody T-Shirt 'S-Fly' (new collection) + DVD (Soul Flyers 2)
- 3x 50% off on FlyYourBody wingsuit (Acces, Expert or Profly)

FlyYourBody is looking into also being there with their SoulFlyers team to fly

So we now have a truly international event, sponsored by most of the big brands.

And 4 teams already lined up to fly. And more coming.

People looking for teams
So far we have Bavo, Oliver, Tristan and Thoomas also looking for people to fly with. Contact them if youre interested in also joining in on the fun!
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The compulseries wil be made up out of the following docks/grips/moves

- 2 way hand dock, both belly to earth
- 2 way hand dock, one belly to earth, one backflying
- 2 way hand dock, both backflying
- 2 way ankle dock, one flyer docking on the ankle of the other flyer.

So 99% of what the teams have to do is there already:

But we'll also be adding the complete dives to the site this coming week

We want all the teams to have equal oppertunity to practice, so we can really have a contest where everyone is flying to the max, also so we can show 'the outside world' we can do more then one wobbly grip and zooming past eachother a dozen times during one dive..

Some teams may ofcourse get 500 practicejumps in, in the coming few months, others only 5 or maybe even none.
Thats why we included a training/practice day also at the start of the contest, for ad-hoc teams that have never met (and to get to know the DZ in terms of navigation)
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Jarno, what you've done my friend is split the wingsuit community in two. Previously everything was RW related EI:big belly to earth formations or multi point stuff. But what we are talking here is closer to what a stinky freeflyer would do. I can't wait for the eagle or the spock ( mind warp to some of you.).

A percentage of our peers will not relate. They will be angry. My hat is off to you!

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Jarno, what you've done my friend is split the wingsuit community in two. Previously everything was RW related EI:big belly to earth formations or multi point stuff. But what we are talking here is closer to what a stinky freeflyer would do. I can't wait for the eagle or the spock ( mind warp to some of you.).

A percentage of our peers will not relate. They will be angry. My hat is off to you!

No worries..lots of stuff (mostly loads and loads of text) on the big RW related stuff also coming this way soon..:P

And even though the 'freefly-ish' style 2 way stuff may sound different, people working more on developing individual flying skills, and working on flyint in smaller tight groups is the BASIS for a lot of the bigger stuff we're always ATTEMPTING..;)

Two steps backward...one step forward?
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The UK section of TopGun wil most likely also make an appearance at the contest..as does the TonySuits team.

Its going to be a riot!

*edit to add*

We think we've come up with 5 nice competition rounds.
To give everyone a huge chance to practice and show the world what you and your team are made off, we'll be posting the rounds on the website this week!

So that gives you 30 or so weekends (and some added holidays) to practice these jumps with your team!

There will also be a practice day before the contest.
For those who want to, its just a day where you and your team train in secrecy and get to know the DZ a little.

But for those who need some help, (ab)use the talent that will be available on the DZ for the contest, and show your videos, and ask for tips, feedback and guidance. That way you'll be able to improve your teams flying, with feedback from a whole group of talented people who have been working on practicing the exact same jumps!
We've already seen that one simple tip can make a difference between not being able to dock, and that same person suddenly getting 8 docks into one jump directly after that...
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ok here we go .... these are the rounds for the www.winsguitcompetition.com artistic event....

(check out the anmimations on the website for the moves below)

The jumps
The divepool wil consist of 5 simple jumps.
The jumps are already available here on the website so everyone can practice for the contest.
Lets show we are a serious skydiving dicipline. Capable of tight flying and docks and points.

A dock only counts if its held for at least 2 seconds (50 frames on the video)

Round 1 (one point for each grip/dock flown)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Right hand jumper (A) does an up and over, and makes a 2 way hand dock on the other side.
- Right hand jumper (b) does an up and over, and makes a 2 way hand dock on the other side.

Round 2(one point for each grip/dock flown)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Right hand jumper (A) makes a barrelroll and makes a hand dock
- Left hand jumper (B) makes a barrelroll and makes a hand dock

Round 3(one point for each grip/dock flown)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Jumper (B) makes an Ankle dock (hand on foot/ankle) on jumper (A)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Jumper (A) makes an Ankle dock on jumper (B)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

Round 4(one point for each grip/dock flown)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Jumper (A) transitions to backfly, Jumper (B) makes a hand dock
- Jumper (A) transitions back to bellyflight, and a 2 way hand dock is made.

- jumper (B) transitions to backfly, Jumper (A) makes a hand dock
- Jumper (B) transitions back to bellyflight, and a 2 way hand dock is made.

Round 5(one point for each grip/dock flown)
- 2 way hand dock. Both flyers belly to earth.

- Both jumpers transitions to backfly, and make a backflying 2 way hand dock
- Both jumpers transition back to bellyfly, and make a 2 way hand dock.

have fun :D

~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~

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so basically we will be scored on how many docks we can hold for two seconds. between what altitudes, does it matter how well the manuvers are performed or just how many docks we can get in. Is there a round that is for us to come up with our own dive if so how will it be scored. Will there be clogs in my goodie bag? Will I get a goodie bag? Can i wear a camera on my ankle? Will the winners get to frolic with your women? I also have concerns about performance enhancing drugs, like wear do i find them once i arrive and are you testing for them. I have many more questions but this is a good start.
Dumb american
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Most stuff is on the site, but Ill be a good boy..


so basically we will be scored on how many docks we can hold for two seconds.



between what altitudes

Exit altitude will most likely be 13.000 ft, seperation altitude 4.500 ft.
Fly better, get more time in for the manouvers/docks


does it matter how well the manuvers are performed or just how many docks we can get in.

All manouvres are docks (barrelroll aside), so thats where you score.
They have to be flown stable. Any missed docks or manouvres cost you a point (you dont earn a point, and one gets deducted) so skipping the 'tough' figures to go quicker is not going to actually help.


Is there a round that is for us to come up with our own dive if so how will it be scored.

Again..its on the site...try reading you lazy american..:P
But in short yes...we have an exibition round...but it wont be judged or used.

First we want to try and get a normal contest, with a very clear judging system. If this all works, we'll see about free round etc next year.


Will there be clogs in my goodie bag?

Working on that!


Will I get a goodie bag?

Yupyup..we're working on lots of cool stuff..even a chance to win an SM1!


Can i wear a camera on my ankle?

As long as its judgeable video, done by you as an outside videoman..sure...why not? You can also wear cameras being a performer in the team, but those cams will not be checked for judging.
Look at freefly 2 way contests for comparable formats..


Will the winners get to frolic with your women?

My girlfriend is off limits, but anything you find wondering around is yours to hit on..:P


I also have concerns about performance enhancing drugs, like wear do i find them once i arrive and are you testing for them.

The contest is in Belgium, which is less liberal as our proud tulip-loving country, but roadtrips before or after the contest can be arranged:P


I have many more questions but this is a good start.

Yóu'z welcome!
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heffro ... you comin? its gonnnnnnaaaaa rock!

Jarno and i was chatting earlier - planning to spend 5 or 6 dives to get some "new" stuff out there while we have the best fliers all on one dz and able camera flyers.... got some cool ideas for small changeable formations...

~ time is ~ time was ~ times past ~

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