
www.wingsuitcompetition.com (2 way + camera, artistic event)

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Hans, looking forward to a photo of you backflying :)

The only way to see that, is by taking a picture of hans into photoshop > rotate 180 degrees (and ignore the fact that the earth is wrong side up)

Not a good way to score points with the judge ey:P

And small note, the weather sux in belgium today (Im heading that way shortly) but clearing up tomorrow, and promise of blue skies by thursday

I'm an Athlete?

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After some verry cold praktice rounds competition starts today.

The first team's are manifesting now for round one.

You can see the scores and webcam's of the place at http://wingsuitcompetition.com/scores/

There whil be an update later on

If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes???
My logbook

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Wednesday proved to be a good trainingday.
-22 degrees celcius at exit, but nice blue skies with a few fluffy clouds.

Especialy TonySuits and the PF team went full tilt on training for the 5th round (and performing beyond expectations)

The cold provided us with lots of blue and white noses, and even some ice forming in freefall.

One of the DNB Nord crew experienced a malfunction on a canopy (not yet found) and had a succesfull cutaway and reserve landing.

Today (thursday) we started with the contest, and teams are flying rounds one after another.

Suits switching per round and 'wingsuit freefall' do seem to be popular methods of increasing scores, but even with that, there is no denying that the factory teams are in a whole other leage as the weekend warriors.

Team Teuge just arrived, and is starting on round one, so they'll be playing catchup the next few hours.

All teams are performing well, and in most cases beyond expectations (FLB aside, who is severly under-achieving, but rating high on the dodo award nomination list:P)

Hans (Gadget) and Patrick are our capable judges, and are doing exelent work judging and updating the live internet scoring as the videos come in.

The full video of all rounds will of course also be put online. Including the moments of shame such as me putting my shoe back on in freefall after an ankel dock, Karin trying her first ever backflying (in competition) and just all the cool bumps and bruising in general.

Scoring and bitching about the better teams aside, we're having an awesome event here, and its really cool to see everyone involved in trying to make this a succes.

Based on experience here, we'll come up with a redefined set of rules for the next event.

After the comp rounds, flocking is plan B!

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Yes the competition is finished. We saw some really great flying.Due to the weather team Teuge didn't complete the rounds.
The scores on the webpage are updated and final.

Jarno will post a movie with the rounds on the internet.So stay tuned.

If people from Poland are called Poles, why aren't people from Holland called Holes???
My logbook

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The cutaway DNB Nord canopy has been found BTW, and flocking today produced some nice instances of more-than-two docked formations. If the weather holds, more of that tomorrow, sadly without me - previous engagements - but it was a great success.

Prizes have been given and, as expected, FLB won the SkyJester Dodo Award. :P Congratulations to all winners, and a big thanks to judges and, especially, organisers.

I am. I think.

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The competition was great fun and went down to the final round :)
It was good to put the competition rounds to the test and there was a definite trend for increasing vertical speed in the latter rounds.

Thank you to Jarno, Costyn, Alex, Hans, Patrick and the rest if the team for organizing the comp and also to Skydive centre Spa for being excellent hosts.

The wingsuit discipline took a small step with this event and it will be interesting to see how this competition format develops in the future.

Today we did some nice flock dives and managed a linked 5 way formation. :)


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A big thank you to all the teams for showing up.
We had some bad weather in the morning, so the Danish team decided to leave. And as soon as they crossed the border, the sun came out and the plane was fired up.

We managed a docked 5 way (Patrick, Tristan, Jeff, Katrina en mayself).
We first had some pacing issues with Tristan and me flying base, but the speed Patrick set on the next jump was awesome.

Definately looking forward to tomorrow...more cool jumps coming..

And again..thank you all for coming, a BIIG thank you to all the event sponsors. And looking forward to organising this event again next year.

And we'll be having an internet competition soon, so everyone world-wide can show what they got!
I'm an Athlete?

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I guess the DoDo- Award goes to the right person ;) äh.. Team :)

Nice to see you professionels working together.

And thanks for letting me take part in the raffle.
So I got my sponsorship back, he he.

BTW: Ask Jeff warmly for the black/ white thing he used . . . I need that in my collection!
One hand washes the other and both the face :)

don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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there was a definite trend for increasing vertical speed in the latter rounds.

Why is this? Less sensitivity (twitch) at less efficient flying positions? More range available also, I'd imagine.

After doing a number of practice jumps from the dive pool, it seemed that the majority of these dives were more easily accomplished at high vertical speeds.

For example Round 5 (both transition to backfly for dock)...I find it is much easier for both to "butt fly" for an easy dock than to try to match forward speeds.

I guess that is the problem with WS flight comps, as much of it can be flown while falling straight down. While filming some practice jumps, I might as well have been wearing a camera suit there was so little forward motion...and I am not exaggerating. [:/]

Perhaps the dive pool should be mixed, instead of single points being repeated throughout the dive. We don't do just 14's the entire dive in 4 way....

Sadly too, it seems that forward "flight" would be very subjective and difficult to judge as a requirement.

However, I do love the idea of the comp. I think that it pushes pilots to break out of "flocking" and to start doing some acrobatics. We need less mass exits, and to start doing something exciting! :)

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there was a definite trend for increasing vertical speed in the latter rounds.

Why is this? Less sensitivity (twitch) at less efficient flying positions? More range available also, I'd imagine.

Think RW 4 way and the ease of staying relative to other jumpers during transitions. Especially when going from stomach to back flying where you usually see large altitude loss between jumpers.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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