
Is this the Shadow in Action? [Vid]

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uc off topic but compare to v2 and ghost any difference for base WS, what is advantage or disadvantage between the two do you prefer base pouch, if you can elaborate on your experience between the two on base jumping well be appreciated, also what make the shadow base specific thanks al
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none that I can tell, I cant tell why no one will come up with the 5 million to develop the technology that he "has" to land the thing already...

His technology consists of a 1 by 1 km , 300 meter high box filled with marshmallows. First they where going with a box filled with GoFast cans, but that didnt prove do-able. His sponsor then dropped him for lack of commitment, so now he's now focussed on finding a candy-factory that will sponsor his landing..
I'm an Athlete?

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The clips are from one of the episodes of Focused shown on the american digital tv-channel Rush HD. It is produced by MSP (Matchstick Productions). They usually release every seasons episodes on a DVD. Highly recommended;)

And no...I do not think anybody will land a wingsuit

The yellow suit is a prototype based on Acro and made by Robert P. He has also made one of the other suits used on this clips. If something comes out of this prototypes, it will be a suit for acro-, proximity- and newbeginner flying.

It will rock tha f... lower airspace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fly low, pull high....VKB#7


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The footage you see is in Matchstick productions new ski movie "Seven Sunny Days" as well as in the Focused TV show on Rush (not yet sold on DVD) as Espan said.

THe ski movie DVD also has some other interesting basejumps and I imagine the DVD extras will have some more footage.

Seven SUnny Days can be purchased at www.skimovie.com

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