
AN-72 Boogie 2008 Date set. Who is coming?

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.. and if you got too much video material, there will be possibillities to delete it :)

I seem to remember Jarno's moaning from last year or year before last when he would think of all the hours of video he'd have to sift through for the boogie vid edit.

Literally hours - per 2½ minute jump. Times, oh 12 or 15 jumps.
I am. I think.

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It depends on the boogie and how many jumps are made, but jumps usually have a backflying camera, top camera and one or two cool inside views.

Thats already 5 to 10 minutes of footage per jump, per group.

Jumping with 4 groups this summer, doing 5 to 7 loads per day, thats rougly 2,5 to 3 hours of freefall footage per day (if you want to go through it all to find all the good bits)

Jumping 6 or so days..its not uncommon to come back with 5 to 10 hours of footage.
Fun to watch when the editing is done...but a whole lot of work..

Give people like Matt Hoover, James B etc. a hug sometimes for the work thats put into making those boogie vids..;)
I'm an Athlete?

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Hi, it will be my first time there and I wonder which will be the best way to get there, Berlin, Hannover or Leipzig, also from Berlin is it better to rent a car or go by train? If someone has the same problem please contact me, maybe we can meet in Berlin and share a rent car
Stupidity amace me a lot more than intelligence, intelligence has a limit, stupidity not

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I wrote a FAQ for this boogie that can be found HERE that will answer many of your questions. If you have any not covered feel free to ask.:)

Fixed that URL for you:

AN-72 Boogie Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

As for the thread subject: yes I'm coming to Cochstedt and I've registered! :)
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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Just a reminder for everyone as this event grows nearer. Make sure your USPA/BPA/Ect membership and reserve are all in date for the duration of the boogie. If you are participating in the wingsuit event be sure you send Rolf an E-mail with your name, country and registration number(if applicable) once you are registered. rolf.brombach@freenet.de

If you have not been to an AN-72 wingsuit boogie yet, you really need to go and see what you've been missing;)

"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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The organisers asked me to extend their invitation to all wingsuit pilots looking to jump the worlds coolest wingsuit AirCraft!

The An72 will be at the ready on tuesday morning, waiting with roaring engines to take Skydivers up to altitudes from 13 to 18k!

For this year, a lot of changes have been made compared to the previous events. Most importantly, more load organisers!

This means smaller and more dedicated groups.

Beginner & Intermediate
Rolf Brombach, James Boole

Advanced flying
Jarno Cordia

Bigway Formation
Scott Campos

Next to these load organisers (who fly camera for debrief) we will also have 2 additional cameraman shooting creative eyecandy in the form of awesome video and stills on every jump.
Mark Harris and Juan Mayer will be the hot shot flyers cruising around the formations with their shiny lenses aimed right at you, with possibly a third cameraman joining their ranks (more on that later).

This event will also serve as the qualifier for the USA bigway events later this year. With several evaluators looking at the dives, and seeing who is hot and who is not. So if the USA is part of your planning for later this year, this is one boogie you should definately go to!

If you need more convincing, take a look at the video from 2006 or 2007

See you there!

The list*
1. Jarno Cordia
2. Macca
3. Mr Campos
4. Rolf Brombach
5. James Boole
6. Mark Harris
7. Juan Mayer
8. Costyn van Dongen

*people vaguely trying to be there:P

p.s. Scott (or any other greeny) maybe delete the accidental duplicate thread I started, as I couldnt find this one earlierB|

I'm an Athlete?

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The list*
1. Jarno Cordia
2. Macca
3. Mr Campos
4. Rolf Brombach
5. James Boole
6. Mark Harris
7. Juan Mayer
8. Costyn van Dongen
9. tony U
10. Phill Peggs
did I do that right ?
but were only there for the last weekend,
*people vaguely trying to be there:P

p.s. Scott (or any other greeny) maybe delete the accidental duplicate thread I started, as I couldnt find this one earlierB|
Life is a series of wonderful opportunities,
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.


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From Rolf B

39 days to go, all systems are running :))
Hi BIRDS, Cochstedt-news: everybody who likes to have a reservation in one of the Hotels around, please check immediately and individually www.md.skydive.de (english site), you will find the Hotel-addresses and contacts you need! I called these guys today and learned that there is "still plenty of room" (Mrs Biermann, 18.June). Again: the organization didn't make any reservations so far!!

Concerning the PreCourse: the little powerful sister of the AN72, the AN28 (nicknamed ANABOLIKA and also a Tailgate!) will be in Cochstedt already 26/27.July, and we will use this plane for to practice all kind of BIRD-exits! Float, dive, Gainer... all exits video-documented! The whole PreCourse is for free, you only have to cover your slots!! 20 seats, 9min up to incredible altitude. My helpers and I are waiting for you! (And, yes: this plane can also fly formation with the "BIG ONE", later this week, and 70+20 is about 90, am I right? :))

What else: we will bring some TENGU and S8 for to look at! Wait'n'see! And eventually we will be able to demo some (PD-)factory-new STORM 7-cell mains!!
More informations about the Cochstedt-AN72-Boogie and our TOUR 2008: see www.bird-man.com, CALENDAR and BLOG...
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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The list*
1. Jarno Cordia
2. Macca
3. Mr Campos
4. Rolf Brombach
5. James Boole
6. Mark Harris
7. Juan Mayer
8. Costyn van Dongen
9. tony U
10. Phill Peggs
did I do that right ?
but were only there for the last weekend,
*people vaguely trying to be there

Woah !! lot's of room in the plane ! can't be the official list ? :o
Patrick de Guillebon

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Woah !! lot's of room in the plane ! can't be the official list ? :o

Isnt every list here just a group of people hoping to be there...where in the end a whole other group of people shows up and actually has fun;)

A large group of germans/french etc doesnt post/use the net as much as 'we' do. If you really want to know, shoot Rolf an email, and he should be able to tell you the # of registered birds from the boogie organisers list..
I'm an Athlete?

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The logo-birds have invisible leg wings, isn´t it? ;)

Birds from Marl will also be there-
we all are loadorganizers, instructors, pros, vips,
so it is necessary to respect us very much! >:(

don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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so who will you instruct and organize? looks like only pros are going there

Now, I`ll explain you, what nobody has to know . . .:o
There´re not really pros existing, it will take another ten years, but in the meantime we can make ourselfs a bit important- nothing wrong with that!

When will you join us?
I think you´re already overdue :)
Come and win a prize at S´WoM- the Jester is open to bribery B|
don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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hey ! what is this 200 mph speedwing racing linked ??

we do headdown-wingsuiting :)
the legwing stabilize it perfect ,interesting noise at
200 mph ;)

so we got the logo on T-shirts-

the Bonneville salt lake speed racer started with it
200/300/400/500 mph club,

we still need to exercise ;)
don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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