Before I fly my Blade

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Just got my Blade; picked up at the post office on Saturday. Glad I went with the Parpak and not nylon.

Beautiful weather at Eloy yesterday; but I'm fighting off a nasty head cold/congestion....so I didn't go fly my new Blade. I jumped ONCE when I had a head cold and could not clear my ears; ONCE.....very painful lesson. So I worked on my camera helmet.

I never had any problem finding my hack when I flew the demo Blade at Christmas.

Altitude is life so nothing wrong with starting your wave off and deployment higher.


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Was able to chase down the UPS package today, glad to receive my Blade.

When will people learn?! These photos MUST be taken in your place of work with confused co-workers in the back ground.

Good use of a 'campos' though... :D
Phoenix Fly - High performance wingsuits for skydiving and BASE
Performance Designs - Simply brilliant canopies

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not at work -2
use of compos +2

I mostly work from home (offices in basement), so do I get the two points?:P
yeah, Jarno, suit is baggy. I'll put it on with my rig when I arrive at the DZ, and see if that makes a difference, but right now, I can fit two fists inside the neck, and the sleeves cover my hands past my knuckles.

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if you do it from home you are at least required to have a wife or girlfriend rolling her eyes at you running around the house dressed as a flying squirrel, maybe even holding the trash she's trying to get you to take out.

nothing like waiting forever for a new suit, only to find out you might have to send it back to get it tailered. hope it feels better with the rig on

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I'll put it on with my rig when I arrive at the DZ, and see if that makes a difference, but right now, I can fit two fists inside the neck, and the sleeves cover my hands past my knuckles.

If the suits doesn't fit without the rig, attaching it to the rig will not make it smaller in any way. From the pics you sent me to look at, your best plan is to have BM start a new one and return that suit, unjumped, for possible resale.

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That picture looks like you not only Photoshopped Campos in there, but your head as well! :o Can we call you 'no neck'? :D

I agree with the other posters who suggest you return the suit for alteration (can they alter a wingsuit that's so gargantuan on it's flyer?) or remake. [:/] An over-large wingsuit is a hazard, but you already knew that. Sorry your fun is going to have to wait, again. :|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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