
Pull time & arm fatigue?

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I was just wondering if any of you other Sr. guys in this area have run into issues with arm fatigue at pull time resulting in what feels like a hard pull? I've had it happen a couple of times now and am wondering if this common or if others ever experience this from time to time?

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On the few full altitude 'full flights' Ive done, Ive actually resorted to pulling slighly higher due to arm fattigue, after taking just half a second more to pull than Id normaly like on a previous jump..
I'm an Athlete?

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repeated full altitude flights will definitely wear your arms out until your body becomes conditioned enough to tolerate them. The worst problems with flying to near-muscle-failure are the pc's in tow and linetwists that typically are caused by weak throws.

All I can tell you is that if you jump your suit enough ffrom full altitude your body will get the conditioning it needs, then you won't have that problem anymore.


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All I can tell you is that if you jump your suit enough ffrom full altitude your body will get the conditioning it needs, then you won't have that problem anymore.


Chuck, can you recommend some other "during the week" stuff that I can do to help build those muscles up? You know that "PT" stuff, which I am actually doing now and have managed to lose some weight, but have a ways to go...

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Lots of late night web-surfing could help, though you'll probably end up making verry crisp right-hand turns:P

DOH!!! :$:D:ph34r:

Well doing a little googling around it actually lead me back to Scott's book and low and behold, he DOES cover that starting on page 192. :$:$ Reading more now...


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I don't know about exercises and such cause I pull like a weak child in full flight with my 7' bridle. :SB|

If your arms are tired you should take it easy on the rest of us, we're trying to keep up. I'll have to do wingsuit "PT" of my own to keep up soon. Boo :S

Are your openings like they were before too?

This isn't flying, its falling with style.

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I don't know about exercises and such cause I pull like a weak child in full flight with my 7' bridle. :SB|

If your arms are tired you should take it easy on the rest of us, we're trying to keep up. I'll have to do wingsuit "PT" of my own to keep up soon. Boo :S

Are your openings like they were before too?

Hey Jon, where you been, have not seen you in a while...

What do you mean "keep up", you fly with above, below all around me like I'm sitting still... with that 10 ft. frame of yours you go like a bat out hell dude... B|

Not sure what you mean by my openings?

PS. Notice the avatar? That's a screen grab from the video you shot last time we were out flying together... needs to be updated now that Marion has his fancy new suit though... :P

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Also, how many WS flights do you have now?

I ask this because I see a tendency of new pilots to try to overfly the suit. They really try to over-muscle the suit, rather than relaxing a bit and letting the suit fly.

Fatigue at pull time for new pilots is typically 2 fold....unused/unconditioned muscles, and overflying the suit.

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I agree with the above considered points

When I started flying wingsuits I had a few problems with fatigue at pulltime
(a desire to reach back and pull your pud.....but a slow muscular response/grip and ability to carry out what is quite a simple manouvre....often resulting in a weak pitch ......followed quickly by a big wince as you waited for the result of that)

The reasons I remembere were:
Being too tense...too stiff
Overflying the suit
Gripping the grippers too hard

First batch of flights on my SM1 I (re) experienced that fatigue.......but was able to recognise it and relax my body position...sacrificing some performance

Over all as a beginner I'd say not gripping the grippers with a death grip was most significant in reducing fatigue that affects your pull...
oh.....and trying to relax in flight more..

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Haha, I didn't notice at all. Maybe I should try a narrower lense, or get a little closer to you guys :P

Pulling's easier after a full flight if you arch like an aff student, for me at least.

I was gone the last two weeks, but I'll be back this weekend if it's decent out. Bring your camera cause now I've got enough jumps to do what I usually do, hehehe B|

This isn't flying, its falling with style.

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Haha, I didn't notice at all. Maybe I should try a narrower lense, or get a little closer to you guys :P

Pulling's easier after a full flight if you arch like an aff student, for me at least.

I was gone the last two weeks, but I'll be back this weekend if it's decent out. Bring your camera cause now I've got enough jumps to do what I usually do, hehehe B|

I won't be there this weekend. I get to be daddy this weekend for my middle boy who is turning 10!! B| Sorry John, but he wins out. :P I'll be back the following weekend though, will you be? :o

We need to try and get Gary out there flying with us though. We need to up the flock to 4, that would be fun. :)
Oh and Marion said that in his new suit he's going to give you a run for you money or was it kick your butt... ya it was one of those!! :):P;):D

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Also, how many WS flights do you have now?

I ask this because I see a tendency of new pilots to try to overfly the suit. They really try to over-muscle the suit, rather than relaxing a bit and letting the suit fly.

Fatigue at pull time for new pilots is typically 2 fold....unused/unconditioned muscles, and overflying the suit.

Hey Phil, I've got 20 now. I do need to work on relaxing more... :S:)

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Hell yeah man, go be with your kid.

4 of us would be kickass, that's enough of a formation for me to zoom through :P

Marion can fly and I bet that new suit is amazing. I want a new suit, maybe the stealt... too bad I ordered a new rig B|.
I bet he could kick my ass now too, I'm lazy and those three minute flights don't come easy anymore. 215s nearly gave me a hard pull last time too ;)

This isn't flying, its falling with style.

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Hell yeah man, go be with your kid.

4 of us would be kickass, that's enough of a formation for me to zoom through :P

Marion can fly and I bet that new suit is amazing. I want a new suit, maybe the stealt... too bad I ordered a new rig B|.
I bet he could kick my ass now too, I'm lazy and those three minute flights don't come easy anymore. 215s nearly gave me a hard pull last time too ;)

You just got a raptor though dude, wish you were a tad shorter... ;)

New rig, what did ya get?

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New? I've put 60 jumps on it. I think that means I should get a new suit, right? :)

I'll have it in a couple months. Another icon, just smaller. I'm trying to hook it into the ground following my low pulls at a much higher rate of speed :S:P

This rain needs to stop!

This isn't flying, its falling with style.

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I'm trying to hook it into the ground following my low pulls at a much higher rate of speed :S:P

This rain needs to stop!

Please don't!! I'm tired of my friends getting banged up due to stuff like that. :)
I agree, the rains do need to stop, though we do need them up here...

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This weekend looks decent, you should bring out that wingsuit and we'll have four of us.

You were right, marion can fly in that suit ;);)

I'll be out tomorrow, Marion will be out on Sunday. So looks like it's you and me tomorrow...

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