
I can speak Ukrainian!

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Just back from the Ukraine, where we attended the first big wingsuit boogie.
MI8 and Turbolet jumps over the beautifull Ukrainian countryside.

Loads of fun getting a 3km out spot for a bigway, and asking the pilot for 5km (altitude) exit. With the pilot then adding the numbers, and giving us close to a 10km upwind exit pointB|

Definately a cool event. Managed to kick a dozen or more birds into the air (sadly sans Camposs) and do some nice flying with the wonderfull people there.

Everyone a big thank you, and probably some more funny TV stuff coming soon as we had 5 lokal and national channels/crews drop by for interviews and footage.
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I got this translation per email...B|

This is computer translation of repport:

To Ukraine people-birds - glider pilots who carry out extreme flights have arrived. First they hang in air in free flight, and then land by means of a usual parachute. In air station in Borodyanka, under Kiev three birdmans have flown by only. However organizers say, that have invited the best

Suit of the superman, to be exact birdmans - the main secret of the person-bird. In it between legs, and also between a hand and body includes special "MEMBRANES" from a strong fabric. During flight air there gets and the person can maneuver as if a bird.

Kris: Freedom, you - an airplane. you fly, instead of you fall. You move forward, and it is such freedom.

The pleasure from free fly lasts not for long - only some minutes. For this time the glider pilot has time to fly by up to seven kilometers and to gain momentum about 100 kilometers at an o'clock. Only a suit for birdman is not enough of one. For fly those who already has jumped not less than 200 times with parachute are supposed only.

Jarno: It is more difficult, than simply to fly with parachute. There you can maneuver hands, but there they are clasped in a winged suit. Flight is influenced even with the most insignificant movement by hands. Therefore it much refined. Besides so to fly more dangerously. Your hands are borrowed also you cannot lift them and will grasp for parachute. Therefore at us here is special yellow a cable which releases hands when you take parachute.

To flights in a suit of the person-bird about 10 years. They are very popular in USA and in the Europe, and here to Ukraine people-birds have arrived for the first time. However here they already had time to involve to flights some tens ukrainians. Several more have learnt on instructors.

Elena Dementyeva: In the USA it is very developed, there in each air station, jump it will be obligatory among parachuters even ten birdmans. At us while is weaker, though at us already too, here yesterday full rise was, there 18 person was in air, Have much learned to fly and soon in the sky above Borodyanka there will be whole flights.

In the world total already thousand people-birds. They travel on the different countries, arrange competitions and bright shows in the sky. On one of the last - have established a record - in the sky 45 glider pilots simultaneously flied. Roman Sukhan. Dmitry Bolshakov, channel, 5.

Roman Sukhan, channel 5

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here are a few pics from your staying here:)http://picasaweb.google.com/hagenishe/BirdmanBoogieIndaBoroMay2008

much more (by Seva also known here as Zver) can be found here - http://www.paraskuf.com.ua/forum/index.php?automodule=gallery&cmd=sc&cat=43

and I also have a few beautiful photos by Sasha Radush like the following...

I think it was an awesome event, we now have 6 BMIs and, I think, aroung 20 new birds. so it's a big step for us here where till recently skyflying almost did not exist.

I'd like to thank Jari for letting me fly, Jarno for... everything:) and Chris and Sascha for the wonderful company. can't wait to see you all again;)

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