
Paralog Performance Competition

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The website

FlyLikeBrick and Paralog are proud to present the next chapter on wingsuitcompetition.com

The Paralog Performance Competition

so what is it
The competition will have three different ways of judging (depending on what you like) for time, distance or highest (ground/forward)speed, and doesnt use time, but rather a set competition window of 3km/2km for judging.

Though still subject to wind, it should be a more honest comparison/friendly competition (or just monitoring your own performance) than the time based method other websites/competitions uses.

In combination with the (either full registered version or demo) Paralog users will be able to upload their tracks from either GPS (time/distance/speed) or neptune, protrack and Altitrack (time).

Next to the online competition, the website can also serve as a base for your dropzone competition on any of the sub-disciplines.
All you need is a plane, people wanting to fly, some GPS or Neptunes/Altitracks and a working internet connection.

If you want to organize a cool competition at your home DZ, one email is all it takes to get started!

There is no setup fee or any other charge. For use in on a dropzone event one full version of paralog is the only thing you need as an organizer.

For the (non event) competition on individual basis, the (soon to be released) demo version of paralog will be all you need.

Though respecting the time and effort put into this, its of course appreciated if you choose to order a full version of the software (with which you also get acces to the many other exiting features).

Both in the demo and full version, all you need to do it hook up your GPS, import the data and click the submit to PPC button.
The software will do all the cleaning/cuttigg of the data to the needed bits for you. Meaning there is no complex technical nerdness required to participate.

give the man some credit
Again, A big up for Klaus, who supports the FLB 'free for all' mentality.
And seeing the man does this stuff for free, do concider picking up a copy of paralog officially if you like the initiative. Its hardly costs a penny, but greatly helps Klaus put more R&D into this stuff, as opposed to his day-job which pays the rent.

And buy Costyn (and his lovely girlfriend/soon to be wife) a beer when you see him, as he put in countless hours getting this website up and running.

Its going to be only a short time before the website is released in full for general (non event) use, so keep an eye on this thread for further news and updates from Costyn and Klaus.

If you have questions, comments or general feathers to stick up their arses, feel free to do that here as well.

Though not needed, PPC could use some fun prizes. If any manufacturers feel they could use PPC for their own marketing by advertising their product in form of a prize, do send us a note at flylikebrick@gmail.com.

This message was brought to you by FlyLikeBrick low budget wingsuit flyers!
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cool shit!

From the site:


All tracks will be evaluated in a 1000m (3300ft) window between 3000m (9850ft) and 2000m (6550ft) AGL.

I would like to play just for fun and to know exactly how much I suck. But I have a big problem. Over here we are jumping at 9500' [:/]
I know its a very loooong shot, but asking is free. Would it be possible to make some exeptions and move the window down a little for people in my situation?
Like from 8000' to 4700' or 7500' to 4200'?

If its too hard or unfair for the rest Ill undestand...Ill play when we get a man's plane :P
DS #419.5

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I think the general use of the 3/2 km window kinda forced that one on us.

I actually wanted a 3 km 1,5 km window (so 1,5 km of comp altitude) to slighly remove the advantage of a flare/dive, and also give people a bit more 'work',

So just because the 3/2 km window has already ben established by all current competition, it was decided uppon as the standard.

Id have to look at Klaus and see if its possible to build a feature into paralog, where the app. automaticly takes a 2,5 to 1,5 km window if the exit was anywhere around (slighly above) 9000 ft (3 km), but (for now) its probably too much work, and getting the basic framework going is priority number one..
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Would it be possible to make some exeptions and move the window down a little for people in my situation?

You can always judge your own performance in any height window you choose in Paralog.

Allowing arbitrary height windows in PPC is a different story we'd need to consider carefully.

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In combination with the (either full registered version or demo) Paralog users will be able to upload their tracks from either GPS (time/distance/speed) or neptune, protrack and Altitrack (time).

Correction: the L&B Altitrack cannot be used. Larsen&Brusgaard have not been willing to share the protocol used for downloading information from the L&B Altitrack.

Although, maybe if enough people ask them nicely... ;):)

There is no setup fee or any other charge. For use in on a dropzone event one full version of paralog is the only thing you need as an organizer.

Small correction: if you are organizing an event, Klaus will send you a free time-limited event license (that is to say, the license expires after a certain amount of time), to use during the event.
Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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You can always judge your own performance in any height window you choose in Paralog.

Yep, thats what Ill do.:)Playing with the range in the jump profile details, cool stuff. Thanks for the reply and the awesome program.
DS #419.5

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Sounds cool. Been wanting to use something other than my video camera and a rough guess at opening height to measure my performance!

Does anyone know when a demo of paralog will be available?

Also, was looking at a Garmin Foretrex. Are they outdated now? What's the recommended data recorder to participate?


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Does anyone know when a demo of paralog will be available?

You can already use the current version to judge your performance locally. Before we can release the PPC version, we need to add some finishing touches to admin functions.


Also, was looking at a Garmin Foretrex. Are they outdated now? What's the recommended data recorder to participate

The ForeTrex is working, although slightly outdated, mainly due to its insensitivity. Currently, we get best results with the WinTec WBT-201. See here for details.

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Good idea! ...but only for Paralog users?

Everyone can be a paralog user without having to pay a single penny.
The site fully works with the free demo version of paralog...


Just promotion action for software?

No..the existing software enables us to skip a HUGE section in programming and setting up a website like this.

And that Klaus is getting some promotion and thus maybe one or two new users of the fully licenced version of the software as a thank you for the TONS of hours both he and Costyn invested in this website...I think that promotion is more than justified..though definately not the reason behind all this.

If you are against promotion activities I suggest never attending a single boogie again...as those are always big shameless promotional actions for manufacturers...the recent competition in Germany was a Phoenix Fly promotion..Cochstedt was the Altimaster-screen-protector boogie etc etc.:P

Again..the software is (for the people setting up this website for people like you..for free) only a way to save us from doing a ton of programming again, that Klaus already did in the past and incorperated into his software.

That sayd...I think a lot of skydivers are quite hypocrits in these matters (myself included)
We EASILY spend 100 to 150 euros per day jumping out of airplanes, yet bitch when we have to pay 50 euros for a piece of software we can to use for many jumps (and again..you dont even HAVE to buy it to be able to use the website/comp).


Please let me know solution for Paralog-free upload of GPS-tracks, e.g. trackingderby.com.

Its called PPC, which stands for PARALOG Performance Competition..dont see why we'd want to do this without Paralog;)

You just named your solution...trackingderby.com...enjoy that one.......if you think they are doing it for free..invite them to your dropzone for a good laugh;)

And why complain about use of the software...why not complain about the use of a GPS..those things are expensive..cant we just do it dz.com style and just tell people we flew 17 miles of distance on our last jump;)

The short version..paralog is an essential part of making this site work...use or it dont use it...but dont waste Costyn or Klaus' time by emailing them a dozen reasons/alternative ways to make this work..

Just enjoy the effort people are putting into this...nobody is asking you to spend a single euro if you dont want to..
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Cochstedt was the Altimaster-screen-protector boogie etc etc.

HOLY FUCK! I don't believe it, a skydiver complaining about getting FREE stuff at a boogie, while lecturing to another skydiver about the merit and hard work done by those who make free stuff available. WTF is the world coming to?

OH WAIT, I ALMOST FORGOT!! FREE FULL Versions of Paralog among other things from mfgrs where also given away at Cochstedt as well. We have Got to STOP all this FREE stuff being given away and start making people pay for everything.:P

Pot meet kettle.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Hi Jarno, how you can guarantee, that the uploaded GPS-track is for the given person?

Upload is at present time without any password :D:), you can upload for example the tracks for everybody, at every DZs and with every equipment. ;)B|B|B|

Just tell it Klaus, I have already few funny terroristic tests on PPC-page :S

No password - no control for upload - only problems for administrators...

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HOLY FUCK! I don't believe it, a skydiver complaining about getting FREE stuff at a boogie, while lecturing to another skydiver about the merit and hard work done by those who make free stuff available. WTF is the world coming to?

Im not complaining about free stuff at all...far from it.
Im 100% pro give-away-sponsor stuff, and merely wanted to show Denis that every single thing in skydiving is based on sponsors/companies promoting their goods and it makes the world a better place.

Without my sponsors I also wouldnt be able to do a lot of the things Im doing now.

But Denis somehow seems against this whole concept, and chooses to rebel against people wanting to offer a free (in his eyes promotinal action) fun service for people wanting to fly..


Hi Jarno, how you can guarantee, that the uploaded GPS-track is for the given person?

We can guarantee that 100%, because everyone using PPC is able to send an email to the site admins in case there is a weird or un-acredited track in their name.

If you see a weird track under your name, it only takes one email to correct.
Which is also what happened with you 'test', which is there under your own name...so far no problems? (besides you costing people a lot of extra work)

We're offering a friendly and fun way to monitor your own performance and compare it to what others are doing.

If you want to cheat, sabotage and annoy others...feel free to do so..but whats the use? Depending how people like it, this site may/will grow in the future, and maybe offer more things like profiles/login etc.
But for now...enjoy whats offered (for free) or just go to trackingderby.com and enjoy yourself there...
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