Utah Wingsuit fun

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Some of the gang returned to the scene of the crime in Utah for more mountain/canyon overflights.
Those of you that didn't make it....were missed, even though you're probably not deserving of our wishes.:P
My suit caught fire, the jump was so hot. Very proud of mi amigo for "cowboyin' up" and trusting the spot since he couldn't quite put his finger on it.;) It was radical.
Thanks Joey, Stu, Justin, Monkey, Shawn, and Scotty for making it as fun as I thought it was. But next time...the 172 isn't the right aircraft to use for this.
And we need longer smoke, dammit!
Photo 2
Photo 3

Some of us even wore purple just for Mike. Our cheeks hurt from not just laughing so much this weekend, but also because we "felt" for Mike. He really wanted to find a way to hump on over to Utah, but it just didn't work out. See whatcha missed, Mike?
Curious question, all seriousness intended....which makeup manufacturer should I be examining for stock opportunities?:D

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Those of you that didn't make it....were missed, even though you're probably not deserving of our wishes.:P

Hey Spot,
On behalf of all those "non-deserving" folks....
Him.... him..... FUCK HIM!!!!! ;)

Seriously, though - totally bummed that I couldn't be there, and that I need to scratch from Elsinore as well... but we will be back in the air soon!

Those pics are awesome, especially that 3rd one w/the sun in the background.

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Yep, the weekend was a blast. The ridge run was a site to behold. With Justin needing a seeing eye dog to locate the spot, Spot looking like he was on fire, and Scotty providing a target at breakoff/ deployment, it was a jump to savor. Then having "refreshments" waiting for us at the landing area. The farmer was not a McNasty and let us use his field. I hope the owner enjoys the pictures when he gets them.

And after all that the wonderful Linda has done supporting us at the various WS events, it was nice to celebrate her 30th B-day with her. B|

50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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Hey guys what can I say~ just another one of the best events you could go to. Spot never dissapoints with a new interesting jump every time~! The mountain jump was amazing~ theres a couple pics including the landing area~ Skydive Utah is a Class act and I cant wait to get back out to that Beautiful place. Its a great place to ride quads too, if you didnt know~ Jack & Deb~ you guys rock... And your wrong monkey, it was Linda's 24th birthday~:P

Wonderful to fly with everyone again, and great to meet those I hadnt. everyone should come check out this landscape~ and see you guys when it starts getting warm out that way again!

Z Flock #11; Muff #1909; PFI #15, USPA Lifer
Commercial Multi-Inst. Airplane/Rotory
www.flyteskool.ws Aerial Photography

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thanks for letting me try out some of your suits, just don't let my Norwegian friends know

Have you posted the photos from Sunday yet?

not yet but theyll be up later tonite~
Z Flock #11; Muff #1909; PFI #15, USPA Lifer
Commercial Multi-Inst. Airplane/Rotory
www.flyteskool.ws Aerial Photography

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those look like they were taken directly over the DZ~

They were. If you look waaaaaayyyyy off in the distance in the first one, you can see Farnsworth Peak, where we carried off the high altitude jump over the mountain.
If you look waaayyyyyy off in the distance in the second one, you can *just* see the southern ridge and canyon that we flew through last week. Next to the shuttle jump, that was my most memorable "special" jump yet. Thanks again for being part of it.

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The Honor was all mine my friend. those are definitely my top three.cant wait to get back out and fly with the Best Utah has to offer yet again! thanks for just one unique and extraordinary event after another~! Whats he going to Drum up Next Ladies and Gentlemen!???
Z Flock #11; Muff #1909; PFI #15, USPA Lifer
Commercial Multi-Inst. Airplane/Rotory
www.flyteskool.ws Aerial Photography

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Whats he going to Drum up Next Ladies and Gentlemen!???

If we can get FAA and TRACON permission... wait'll you see what we have for the Utah Boogie in July. It's gonna be a blast. Plus, we have permission from the same farmer to do a cruise either in wingsuit or under canopy over the same ridge and land in the same area. He's a very nice guy, and owns all that land that foots the talus slope.
Plus... well...we'll save the plus for the Boogie Announcement.:P

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