
GPS problem

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There are probably a lot of people who jump with GPS, if anybody has experience with the wintec wtb-201 in use with OSX/mac..
I just recieved the gps, guess I can go somewhere on a PC to change the settings but which program to use to be able to see some data?



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Ferry..shoot Hans Schoeber an email or PM (his knickname is Gadget on here).
He also used this one (and tends to litter them across Europe as they fall of his helmet), and seems to know how it worksB|

He can also answer you in your own language (if thats still Dutch:P)

Or send an email or PM to costyn through our flylikebrick adres...(he knows that stuff, and is one of those Apple nerds as well)

I'm an Athlete?

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Or send an email or PM to costyn through our flylikebrick adres...(he knows that stuff, and is one of those Apple nerds as well)

Yes I'm an Apple nerd, but I've never used the WinTec. But if you only want do download the data from your GPS and import it into Google earth, try GPSBabel.

If you want to analyse your tracks for speed, etc your best bet is Paralog.

Costyn van Dongen - http://www.flylikebrick.com/ - World Wide Wingsuit News

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