redfox 0 #1 March 9, 2009 See Article in Newspaper: Wingsuitflyers have provocated the people around Grindelwald with some "Low Pass" above other people. So the will forbid further "Basejumps" (?) out of Helicopters... This would be sad, because it offers some very beautiful flights... Hopefully the next flyers stay away from the crowds - please! Thanks, Herwig Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #2 March 9, 2009 as if there werent enough limitations around here..“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skwrl 56 #3 March 9, 2009 Das ist nicht so gut. My Swiss German is pretty much non-existent. Does this say that they are banned or will be banned or may be banned? I'm still trying to get in a few jumps the next time I have to go to Basel for work.Skwrl Productions - Wingsuit Photography Northeast Bird School - Chief Logistics Guy and Video Dork Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #4 March 9, 2009 the video is pretty sick/cool though... beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #5 March 9, 2009 QuoteGrindelwald will Basejumping limitierenMit riskanten Flügen provozieren Fallschirmspringer den Unmut der Bevölkerung Der Gemeindepräsident von Grindelwald will Basejumping aus Helikoptern unterbinden, wenn dadurch Menschen gefährdet werden. Simone Schmid In der Fachsprache heisst der tiefe Vorbeiflug «Low Pass». Vor zwei Wochen versuchten zwei Basejumper einen solchen Flug am Männlichen (BE). Sie sprangen aus dem Helikopter und steuerten mit «Wingsuits», speziellen Anzügen, die den freien Fall in horizontalen Flug umwandeln, auf ein Bergrestaurant zu. Staunende Touristen. Kurz vor dem Restaurant drehten sie ab und verschwanden über die Bergkante in einem Couloir. Dann flogen sie dem Hang entlang und landeten im Tal. Bei der engsten Stelle befanden sich die Männer fünf Meter über Grund und hatten zwei Meter seitlichen Abstand vom Felsen. Geschwindigkeit: 250 Kilometer pro Stunde Eigentlich wollten Joakim Sommer und Dominik Loyen noch ein zweites Mal fliegen. Aber der Helipilot weigerte sich. «Wir wussten nicht, was die zwei geplant hatten», sagt Daniel Sulzer, Geschäftsführer des Helikopterunternehmens. «Solche irrsinnigen Stunts sind nicht auf unserer Linie.» «Das darf nicht sein» Auch der Gemeindepräsident von Grindelwald, Emanuel Schläppi, der einen Film des Fluges im Internet sah, möchte nicht, dass so etwas in seiner Gemeinde noch einmal vorkommt: «Aufgrund der Filmaufnahmen habe ich den Eindruck bekommen, dass andere Menschen gefährdet sein könnten», so Schläppi. «Das darf nicht sein.» Er erwägt ein Verbot von Flügen an öffentlichen Objekten und Menschen vorbei, falls sich solche Sprünge wiederholen würden. Dominik Loyen findet die Reaktionen schade. «Wir haben das Projekt exakt geplant», sagt der gebürtige Deutsche, der als freiberuflicher Abenteurer durch die Welt zieht. Winkel, Absprungpunkt und Flugroute habe er mit Hilfe von «Google Earth» berechnet. Freunde von ihm seien am Boden gewesen und hätten die Touristen gewarnt und von der Route weggewiesen. «Wir haben ausgeschlossen, dass wir andere Leute gefährden.» Er sei kein Spinner, sagt er. Sondern ein Sportler. Pro Jahr absolviert der 40-Jährige zwischen 600 und 1000 Fallschirmsprüngen und rund 100 Basejumps. Sein Geld, das er hauptsächlich für die vielen Reisen ausgibt, verdient er als Fallschirm-Instruktor. Ob ihm sein Leben weniger wert sei als anderen, die es nicht täglich gefährden? «Nein, im Gegenteil. Ich fühle mich nach Sprüngen lebendiger und bewusster.» Tatsache ist aber, dass Basejumping und Proximity Flying, wie das Fliegen nahe an Felswänden vorbei genannt wird, Risikosportarten sind. Erst letzte Woche starben im Unterwallis und in Lauterbrunnen (BE) zwei Basejumper. Einer von ihnen war mit Dominik Loyen befreundet. Aus Unfällen lernen «Da macht man sich natürlich schon seine Gedanken», sagt Loyen. Er frage sich vor allem, was schieflief. «Es klingt zynisch, aber wir lernen aus den Todesfällen.» Wurden früher noch Rufe nach Verboten laut, wenn jemand bei einem Sprung ums Leben kam, so ist Basejumping heute akzeptiert in Lauterbrunnen. Nicht zuletzt, weil die Adrenalin-Touristen Geld bringen. 2008 gab es im Tal rund 10 000 Sprünge. 23 Personen verunfallten, 3 von ihnen tödlich. «Die Sportart ist sicherer geworden», sagt Bruno Durrer, der als Rettungsarzt bei Air Glacier arbeitet und schon viele Basejumper barg. Sein Team entwickelte eine spezielle Rettungstechnik, um die Menschen aus den Felswänden zu holen, wenn sie mit dem Schirm hängen bleiben. Einen Vorwurf macht er den Sportlern nicht. «Wir haben hier eine naturgegebene Abenteuergeografie, das sollen die Jungen ausnützen. Sie brauchen die Möglichkeit, Grenzen zu suchen.» Schluss ist aber auch für Durrer, wenn beim Ausüben des Sportes andere gefährdet werden. «Wenn man über eine vollbesetzte Beiz fliegt, ist das potenziell gefährlich.» Dominik Loyen hat aber schon andere Pläne. Nächsten Herbst will er die 16 weltbesten Basejumper in die Schweiz einladen und mit ihnen vom Eiger dem Ostgrat entlang nach Grindelwald fliegen. Und wenn er sich von bewohntem Gebiet fernhält, will ihm auch der Gemeindepräsident keinen Stein in den Weg legen. Grindelwald wants to limit BASEjumping skydivers provocate the people with risky wingsuitflights. the president of the village of grindelwald wants to ban basejumping from helicopters when people are being endangered. in corrrect terms its called "low pass". two weeks ago two BASEjumpers did such a flight at the männlichen, BE. they jumped from a helicopter with "wingsuits", special dresses that change freefall into horicontal flight, directed at a mountain-restaurant, turned off short before and disapppeared over the mountainridge in a couloir. they then proceeded flying along the mountainside. at the tightest spot the men were only 15ft above the ground and had only 6ft to the side of the rock. at a velocity of 250 km/h. actually joakim sommer and dominik loyen wanted to do a second flight. but the pilot of the helicopter refused. "we didnt knew what the two were up to" says daniel sulzer, the manager of the helicopter transportation company. "such insane stunts are not our line of business". "this shall not be" the president of the village of grindelwald, emanuel schläppi, that saw a video of the flight on the internet, does not want to see this happening in his community ever again. "based on the video i have the impression that other people could have been endangered" says schläppi, "this shall not be". he considers to ban flights over public places and over people, if such flights would be repeated. dominik loyen doesnt understand the reactions. "we've planned the project exactly" says the german, that tours throught the world as a feelancing adventurer. angle, exitpoint and route were carefully planned with the help of "google earth". friends of his were present on the ground and had warned tourists and asked them to leave the area. "we've ensured not to endanger anyone". he considers himself not to be a nutcase but a sportsman. 600 to 1000 skydives and around 100 basejumps the 40yrs old makes per year. the money he spends mostly on traveling he earns as a skydiving-instructor. asked if he valued his life less than others that wouldnt risk it on a daily basis he replied "quite the opposite in fact. i feel more alive and concious after jumping". but fact is that "BASEjumping and proximity flying", how flying close to the ground and mountainsides is called, are considered to be extreme sports (risk sports?). only last week two BASEjumpers died in the valais and in lauterbrunnen (BE). one of them was a friend of dominik loyen. learning from accidents "of course you make up your mind" says loyen. he'd ask himself what went wrong. "it sounds zynical, but we learn from the dead". after calls for banning the activity in recent years after deaths occured on jumps, BASEjumping is accepted now in lauterbrunnen. one of the reasons being that the adrenaline-tourists bring some money. 2008 there were about 10'000 jumps in the valley, 23 ending in an accident, 3 of those fatal. "the sport became safer", says bruno durrer, who works as a paramedic for air glacier, and has rescued already lots of basejumpers. his team developed a special technique to rescue people from mountainsides, if they entangled with their parachutes. he doesnt object the sportsmen "we have a natural adventure topo, this should be used. they need the opportunity to find boundaries." durrer does not accept tough when while performing those activities other people are being endangered. "if you fly over a fully occupied restaurant, that has potential for desaster". but dominik loyen already has other plans. next fall he wants to invite the 16 best BASEjumpers worldwide and fly with them from the eiger over the east ridge over to grindelwald. and if he refrains from flying over habitated areas, the village president wont stop him from doing so.“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #6 March 9, 2009 fuck, i feel like the official translation whore of and dorkzone. well, guys, if you do such shit, make sure you dont post the video on the tube. maybe they should ban google earth too based on that. “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hagen 0 #7 March 9, 2009 luckily, the official is not a president of the world - otherwise he would ban all the red bull shows and many other sporting events Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccordia 74 #8 March 9, 2009 Quote otherwise he would ban all the red bull shows and many other sporting events Most of those are planned demos, with actual permission from the officials/cities/locations involved. From the sound of things, had this video not been on YouTube, and caught the attention afterward, nobody would have cared..JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_prick 0 #9 March 9, 2009 you have no idea. if you have no idea it is better to be quiet. i was wondering when this would happen. i was really surprised they could push it even that far without interference... i also -for once- completely see why authorities are against this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
arai 0 #10 March 9, 2009 I'm just suprised no ones jumped on the translation of wingsuits as "special dresses" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robibird 3 #11 March 9, 2009 I completely understand the CH authorities there. From the crowd prospective ,WS flyers does not looks as flying objects with full control. Going over crowd is dangerous, regardless how WS flyers feel about it.... There is no reason to fly in close proximity over ordinary people because they will never understand what WS flyers are doing nor they need to understand that. What they feel is more important and what they feel is plain simple - fear!! Fear of being killed by the human bomb. Simple rule here - do not fly in close proximity over the crowd! Main rule on any air show!Robert Pecnik Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mccordia 74 #12 March 9, 2009 I think demo-wise, crowds are equaly impressed with a normal skydive with smoke... These kind of proximity flights look awesome, and Id be a liar if I didnt have dirty dreams about doing that kind of stuff myself one day. But with regards to people, I think its like any other demo...dont put the crowd in danger. If its for ones own experience, awesome...but as a crowd pleaser, there's lots of options that will be equaly impressive for them, but also a lot safer (which means we get better PR as well).JC FlyLikeBrick I'm an Athlete? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #13 March 9, 2009 Quote I'm just suprised no ones jumped on the translation of wingsuits as "special dresses" hey now, i'm a native german speaker, and thought i'd have to bring up that reference since it already sounded funny in german.. OOOOOHH; and thanks christoph, AWESOME translation BTW, you must of put about 1-2 hours of work into this, i really APPRECIATE it, instead of some useless, dumb-arse bablefish translation, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! “Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SPAWNmaster 0 #14 March 10, 2009 beautiful flight, and thank you translator Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
base283 0 #15 March 10, 2009 Nice survival. It did not look like the pilot had much control flying through the V. I do not fly a wingsuit. Either he is very good (I think I would know the name) or other Nice visuals.. Take care, space Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hausse 0 #16 March 11, 2009 Is it legal to jump Base containers out of aircraft in Switzerland? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
virgin-burner 1 #17 March 11, 2009 seen it numerous times already, even at a demo on an airport..“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.” -Hunter S. Thompson "No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try." -Yoda Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #18 March 11, 2009 QuoteIs it legal to jump Base containers out of aircraft in Switzerland?in theory, IIRC, for an intentional jump, you should jump with a 2 canopy system. Maybe some people have authorisations. It's not because it's done that it's legal.scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mikki_ZH 0 #19 March 12, 2009 QuoteIs it legal to jump Base containers out of aircraft in Switzerland? the pilot can loose his licenceMichi (#1068) hsbc/gba/sba Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites