
Wingsuit book

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Anyone read Birdmen, Batmen, and Skyflyers: Wingsuits and the Pioneers Who Flew in Them, Fell in Them, and Perfected Them? I'm looking for a good book on the history and development of wingsuits. This seems to be the only one. Anyone know about any other good books on wingsuits or have an opinion on this one?
"Power lines, they were just everywhere... and I remember thinking at that point I'm going, you know, I just survived my chute malfunction and now I'm going to hit power lines" - Scott Lutz

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Have not read that one yet but also get a copy of Scott Campos' book "Skyflying - Wingsuits in Motion". He has a new edition coming out soon...if you go to his website http://www.skymonkeypublishing.com/ there is a note "Under Construction 2'nd Edition coming soon".

You can find it here though:



....definitely worth it for someone wanting to learn about wingsuits.

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Yuri is writing a book titled aerodynamics and mathematics for wingsuit aviators. Big chapters devoted to glide and L/D, speed to fly calculations and dogfighting. He is having trouble finding a publisher so he may just have it on some kind of E-book download, most likely Lynux based.

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I would suggest Leo Valentin's biography about himself and other pioneers of parachuting and wingsuiters of the time "l'homme oiseau" (birdman). Airtec published it as three language book (French, English and German) about ten years ago.


Great book and amazing photos from the history.


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I would suggest Leo Valentin's biography about himself and other pioneers of parachuting and wingsuiters of the time "l'homme oiseau" (birdman). Airtec published it as three language book (French, English and German) about ten years ago.


Great book and amazing photos from the history.


I read that one, loved it.

ciel bleu,

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Ive read all three books mentioned here, and can recommend getting the two older ones with regards to a more elaborate history and background on the early pioneers..

The Leo Valentin bio and Birdman, Batman & Skyflyers are both must have/must read books on that subject!
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I would suggest Leo Valentin's biography about himself and other pioneers of parachuting and wingsuiters of the time "l'homme oiseau" (birdman). Airtec published it as three language book (French, English and German) about ten years ago.


Great book and amazing photos from the history.


Seconding this. I have two copies. :)

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I read it. Good book about the early pioneers of wingsuits, with some amazing stories. Each chapter is devoted to a different birdman. I liked it but wished it was longer. I'd give it a B.


Perhaps an A- or B+.

But overll, a good read - esp. from a historical context (not too much as far as recent history goes).
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Thanks for everyone's suggestions. I'll definitely check out those historical ones for now, it's just too bad that the Valentin autobiography is $50 on amazon.
"Power lines, they were just everywhere... and I remember thinking at that point I'm going, you know, I just survived my chute malfunction and now I'm going to hit power lines" - Scott Lutz

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Yuri is writing a book titled aerodynamics and mathematics for wingsuit aviators. Big chapters devoted to glide and L/D, speed to fly calculations and dogfighting. He is having trouble finding a publisher so he may just have it on some kind of E-book download, most likely Unix based.

there, fixed it for you.. :D:D:D
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