
How will I know when I'm ready to move to a bigger suit?

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When you see yourself in every flock you're flying in, legs stretched fully and arms all open and flat besides your body.

If you're truly flying a small suit 100% and its not enough, you may need to get a bigger suit. Whats the small suit you're flying now (as the definition of 'small' seems to have slid down a bit as well these daysB|)

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When you see yourself in every flock you're flying in, legs stretched fully and arms all open and flat besides your body.

If you're truly flying a small suit 100% and its not enough, you may need to get a bigger suit. Whats the small suit you're flying now (as the definition of 'small' seems to have slid down a bit as well these daysB|)

I'm flying a Tonysuit Intro. The issue I have is that there are not very many wingsuit fliers at my DZ and the few there are don't jump on a regular basis. The one wingsuit flier that is always there is an AFF instructor and doesn't get much time to do fun jumps. This means I don't really have anyone to go up with to watch me fly and critique my body position and things of that nature. So basically I'm trying to judge how my body position is based on feel, which I know is not a good thing.

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The issue I have is that there are not very many wingsuit fliers at my DZ and the few there are don't jump on a regular basis.

I know this situation very well - the only solution for me was to travel a lot! Skip some solo jumps and save the money to travel to locations where you meet people to fly with. That helped me a lot.

Enjoy the (air-)flow!
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

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