
Wings over Gransee

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Wings over Gransee 2009 is four weeks in front of us.
Exact dates are like planed from the 25th till the 27th of September.
We can offer open training at Gransee at the 23rd and 24th of September and the weekend before we have a wingsuit-warmup.

The competition will held in three disziplines. Distance, Time and Speed, measured between 3000 and 2000 meters.

First prize are 1000 Euros, second are 50% off for a Phoenix-fly suit, third prize is a X-shut and fourth is a paralog lizence.

The competitionrules are attached and close to the same like last year.

Pilots who want to sign up are welcome. Please send a mail to me: bbc.mirko@gmail.com , or sign up at our facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=51869008655&ref=ts , or www.gojump.de

All results will be shown live while the event is running under http://www.wingsuitcompetition.com/ppc/

As well we are organizing bigways and demojumps.
Big eventparty is a must!

For any questions please send a text.

regards, bbc.mirko

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Not sure if Ill be able to make this one, but awesome seeing upwind and downwind legs in the competition!

For sure a large improvement in the competition circuit, in terms of getting a more accurate image of wingsuit distance and speed performance.
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Thank you very much to DZ Gransee and competition team for perfect organisation of this competition!

The new idea to do the competition at downwind and upwind was very intelligent. Even at low wind (10-30 km/h) during the competition you can see huge influence on performance.

And the best joke of the competition - Tony (Tony Suits) got 50%-discount for Phoenix-Fly wingsuit :ph34r:

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And the best joke of the competition - Tony (Tony Suits) got 50%-discount for Phoenix-Fly wingsuit

B| Huahhhhahahaaaa, he he . . .

That's a good proof for my rule "no discount voucher for competitors" at my games.

Thanks for letting us know, Deniq!

don´t pester the jester . . or better: WHY SO SERIOUS ? ?


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yeah, thanx Dennis, good to see if anybody is happy in the end....anyways we have perfect conditions, made around 15 jumps.

The bigway from the 2 planes making me smiling again....perfect work from the pilots...

Hope to see all again and that we can work out a real worldcup next year...I think the rules are ready for that.


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Hope to see all again and that we can work out a real worldcup next year...I think the rules are ready for that.

Seeing as both Marl and Gransee are conducted through the wingsuitcompetition.com website, I think it would also be possible (if Marl also addopts the 2 jumprun directions) to link the competitions, and have a yearly 'performance flyer champion' coming out of those two (which would be Tobi this year I guess).

Really nice to see that the double jumprun/direction shows more accurate glide ratios. Although of course, its still possible to get lucky with the wind.
The 10 to 30km upper winds seemingly made for 500 meter differences between the upwind and downwind runs!

But the avg. glide ratios being around 2 to 2.5 seem much more representive for current day wingsuit flying and performance, than some of the 'downwind only' scores.

Which in general isnt bad (competition-wise), but it does create quite a skewed image of what wingsuits are able to do performance wise.

Timewise, I guess the flyers (doing 90 degree exits) diving into the wind, do get a stronger advancing wind (slightly larger flare) on the upwind track. All extremely interesting stuff!

And congrats to the winners!
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Man that was a blast, 2 days of super high energy,

3 diff events to find one winner, well done Tobi

Lowering the exit altitude so taking out the dive before the "swoop" was the only down side,
upwind downwind all good, but no dive ahhhhhhh :(

:)recomend this comp to anyone who wants to learn the "next step" just great the way Clouse and Mirco showd you your glide path and where it could have been better,
anyone wanna buy a half price voucher?

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Haha Tony good to see that you have had fun!

Lowering the exitaltitude was a plan from last years event, cause no one wants to dive for 1000m. Anyways after testing we see that downwardsspeed, wich you take on diving, you take into the whole run. In the disziplines time and distance downspeed is destroying good results! Only speed is happy with that.....but hey, I like diving 1000m even more than opnly 500m, so we can put it up if anyone likes to have it. But the idea was to fly accurate close from the beginning....

I just need an answer from every compaditor to get an overview.

So for all who have not seen the winers list:

Place 1: Tobi Scherrinsky Suit: X-Bird c/N: Germany
Place 2: Tony Uragallo Suit: X-Bird c/N: USA
Place 3: Stephan Weishaupt Suit: V1 c/N: Germany
Place 4: Alex Strobel Suit: V3 c/N: Austria
Place 5: Harry Kloska Suit: V3 c/N: Germany

Yeah congrats to the winners.....specially to the new ones under them.....really awesome results buddys!

I hope to see everyone again and I´m for a worldcup next year. The international interests on that event are big enough now.

thanx to all for joining, thanx for your interest,


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Would be cool to ad a 2 way event next year. Having 2 flyers be close and having a 3d one on video, to see who can fly a formation with the best speed/time/distance.

The no dive/up and downwind legs sound like a great thing to set as the future standard for this competition form.
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HM, twoway-event? sounds a bit like the base-race idea....but you mean 2 like a team have to fly fast, but close...filmed air to air?

That would mean to grow a team challenge as 4th dizipline.....if I understand you correctly?

I think if you have gps tracks the air to air video is not needed cause you can look at google earth track if they fly all the time together....but as team challenge it means three people have to fly together include videoflyer....

Ideas are almost welcome....but our now happening rules are FAI confirm, almsot logical and accepted by the international flying-comp-rules.

But why not ask arround to find another new and fun-bringing diszipline...if the people like it, we can think about..

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HM, twoway-event? sounds a bit like the base-race idea....but you mean 2 like a team have to fly fast, but close...filmed air to air?

That would mean to grow a team challenge as 4th dizipline.....if I understand you correctly?

I dont mean adding a 4th challenge.
I mean adding a 2nd catagory to the current competition (same rounds, distance, speed, time), but doing it as a formation. Be it 2 way, 4 way or whatever.

Would be nice to see some performance flocking
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I think you have a good comp there to do a world cup,
When i got there i thought the "speed" event was odd as no one ever dives a wingsuit at 30 degrees, working on 20 secs for the 1000 meter working distance was odd when we can get over a minuet in that time but when I saw how the event worked in the comp I luved it, where the light weight dudes have the advantage in "time" the heavier dudes have the advantage in speed, and anyone can win distance, so it all works out great.

All those times would have been way better though if we had the "Marl" dive.... bring back the dive...keep the dive alive, luv that speed:)

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I´m very happy to read this Tony....in the beginning we have had a big fight if it makes sence or not....but now it turns out positiv from the most....and its very interesting to see that one degree more or less are changing everything.....we have her 3 totally different disziplines....and that is in the end the fun....and for the heavier ones its more fun! :)

Ok, I will think about the 1000m dive.....

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I dont mean adding a 4th challenge.
I mean adding a 2nd catagory to the current competition (same rounds, distance, speed, time), but doing it as a formation. Be it 2 way, 4 way or whatever.

Would be nice to see some performance flocking

noo, if im going to go for the greatest distance, time or speed, whats the point of trying to do relative work while doing it, it can only slow the times, we need better times every year, thats why the dive is good, it takes you beond the norm...
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noo, if im going to go for the greatest distance, time or speed, whats the point of trying to do relative work while doing it, it can only slow the times, we need better times every year, thats why the dive is good, it takes you beond the norm..

Technically, if the suits improve, so should the times and distances without the dive. It would be a more true display of the flyers ability (combined with the suit).
And flying suits relative in formation is also possible with good performance levels...it would be a good thing to also push that one...
It would be a seperate catagory. Not a replacement of the solo flight.
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noo, if im going to go for the greatest distance, time or speed, whats the point of trying to do relative work while doing it, it can only slow the times, we need better times every year, thats why the dive is good, it takes you beond the norm..

Technically, if the suits improve, so should the times and distances without the dive. It would be a more true display of the flyers ability (combined with the suit).
And flying suits relative in formation is also possible with good performance levels...it would be a good thing to also push that one...
It would be a seperate catagory. Not a replacement of the solo flight.

to dive then hit the "gate" corectly at that speed is also a good display of the flyers ability, and way more fun than starting the 'race' in a semi sub terminal state,
Life is a series of wonderful opportunities,
brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.


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1000m dive...

It is not better to do competition at following conditions:

- exit at 4000 meter
- competition window between 3750 - 1250 meter

The winsguit-pilot(s) should fly all time with preferably best performance and we have minimal influence of dive on real performance at real conditions. Otherwise we have unreal numbers in results, inclusive huge kinetic energy accumulated in the dive 4000>3000 meter. Additional altitude wind and we have incredible glide ratio like 3,6 by Tony at WoM 2009 :D
Even in base environment I don't saw any pilot with glide ratio over 3,0 for complete distance.

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